Linda....I'm sorry!...

Oh, my dear Mc Rib
I feel so betrayed
I have been under the weather lately
so my replies are delayed

Our recent dispute has left me unsettled in pain
Add to that, gut rumble
And a bit of waist gain

It’s alarming your actions reached beyond my car door
No wonder I’ve been pm’d more than ever before
They've warned of misgivings, bad omens, despair
But I know what I like, so I didn’t care.

I’m not alarmed of your flirtatious displays
Just look at your buns, and your pork-o-luscious ways!
You were the one when I’d get that urge on the street
But remember, you’re just the other white meat.

I love your rich sauce drenched throughout my teeth
But the way you’ve been lately makes me scream
Where’s the beef??!!?!?

Filler bun or not I still like it thick
And I’m getting quite bored of your post-meal gut trick.
The Big Mac is stable and a legend at least
He’ll be around forever so I must make my peace.

You come and go like the scent of a fragrant breeze
You’re so tasty and good but you’re just a tease.
Big Mac and friends, they’ve got my back
I’m beginning to think I should go visit Jack.

My craving for you and my moods entwine
I usually desire you after I’ve had some wine
And even then, my taste will still depend
On what else I see; We should just be friends.

At the end of the day I stay true to my friends
You’ve been here from day one, and you’re here for me again.
You’ve left me once, but your taste has remained
You make me proud to be a McDonald by name!

BTW, you guys are nuts!!! LOLOL!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't had that good a laugh here in a loooooooooooong time!!!! This place rules!!!!!!! Don't ever leave you guys! (Like the McRib will!) :lol: :lol: :lol:

F**king hilarious!!! :notworthy
ROFLOL! Those lyrics were hysterical, Linda!

Don't worry....I'm not going anywhere....heh!

Oh...and McRib...well, I'm sure I'll...err...I mean HE'LL be back someday....when you least expect it....MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAA!!!!
Oh, my dear Mc Rib
I feel so betrayed
I have been under the weather lately
so my replies are delayed

Our recent dispute has left me unsettled in pain
Add to that, gut rumble
And a bit of waist gain

It’s alarming your actions reached beyond my car door
No wonder I’ve been pm’d more than ever before
They've warned of misgivings, bad omens, despair
But I know what I like, so I didn’t care.

I’m not alarmed of your flirtatious displays
Just look at your buns, and your pork-o-luscious ways!
You were the one when I’d get that urge on the street
But remember, you’re just the other white meat.

I love your rich sauce drenched throughout my teeth
But the way you’ve been lately makes me scream
Where’s the beef??!!?!?

Filler bun or not I still like it thick
And I’m getting quite bored of your post-meal gut trick.
The Big Mac is stable and a legend at least
He’ll be around forever so I must make my peace.

You come and go like the scent of a fragrant breeze
You’re so tasty and good but you’re just a tease.
Big Mac and friends, they’ve got my back
I’m beginning to think I should go visit Jack.

My craving for you and my moods entwine
I usually desire you after I’ve had some wine
And even then, my taste will still depend
On what else I see; We should just be friends.

At the end of the day I stay true to my friends
You’ve been here from day one, and you’re here for me again.
You’ve left me once, but your taste has remained
You make me proud to be a McDonald by name!

Should this be entitled: Rime Of The Ancient Marinade?????? :lol: :lol: :lol:
For Aja's sake , at least Linda didnt mention Eggplant........

Did anyone else get curiously aroused by that poem?

uhmmm....I have to go now.....


:p :p :p
Mmmmmmmm fish tacos...

Oh wait Uhm...

McRib made me say it!! Help! he's threatening me with fries!
You make me proud to be a McDonald by name!
jajajajajajajajajajjaja that is jajajajajajajaja hilarious and also true jajajajajajajajjajajajajajajjaja where do you get all the inspiration linda

Thats sure it should be entitled "rime of the ancient marinade" jajajajajaja
Now all we need is to get William Shatner to recite that in a spoken word thing over some metal music.

Our......recent dispute has left me.......unsettled....... in..... pain
Add to that...........gut rumble
And ....a.... bit of waist gain