Linda....I'm sorry!...

:cry: The McRib has left again. :waah: Thanks for understanding my grief everyone. I'll be fine, I'm sure. :cry:

I think it's still around here, you can travel a little south to get one. You'll be like Homer following the Ribwich [which was obviously a parody of McRib] until the animal it was made from went extinct.
Yeah I was going to post the same Linda.....McRib just left us high and dry :( That is why I will love my Big Mac forever!!!!!

My pickles are huge! *waggles doughy eyebrows*

Doesn't much matter, though, when they're limp and lifeless....does it?

Linda, my darling....alas I had to leave you once again, as I always do. However, I will always return to you, for you are my one true shall once again hold my killer buns in your soft hands.

Oh...and my pickle might not be huge, but I AM ribbed....for HER pleasure.
McRib just doesn't have the same staying power us Big Mac's got :) See Linda I told you I'd always be here for you, while he runs and hides again for years at a time. But my special sauce, two all beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles (that are NOT flaccid, damnit), onions and all on a wonderful, soft...delicious...sesame seed bun will always be there for you.

Mmmm I get hungry just thinking about myself!

Hey, McRib? BITE ME :D
McRib just doesn't have the same staying power us Big Mac's got :) See Linda I told you I'd always be here for you, while he runs and hides again for years at a time. But my special sauce, two all beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles (that are NOT flaccid, damnit), onions and all on a wonderful, soft...delicious...sesame seed bun will always be there for you.

Mmmm I get hungry just thinking about myself!

Hey, McRib? BITE ME :D

"special" sauce, my ass...more like generic thousand island dressing. Hell, I've seen steakums slices thicker than your "all beef" patties. You also probably don't want me talking about why you're the only "burger" that needs to add a bun in the middle (what's up with THAT, eh?!) to help "enhance" your size. You're also slice of cheese for two patties? Wow...don't overdo it there, big guy.

Bite you? Hell no...not without an environmental impact study first!

My allure is simple...a nice thick big hunk of meat, a sauce that makes your mouth water, just thinking about it...and nice STIFF pickles that really make you stand up and take notice.
:cry: The McRib has left again. :waah: Thanks for understanding my grief everyone. I'll be fine, I'm sure. :cry:

As y'all can see Linda was in mourning at the Paladino's show. Not your typical expression of grief but grief nonetheless. She appears to be quite broken up about McRib's departure.

I laughed so hard when I saw that - a bit of trivia for ya - it was hand studded by the grieving girl herself! :rock:

That is soooo insensitive of you to laugh at Linda's grief Aja. Didn't you see the tear stains on it? :lol:

Bead, cry, bead, cry..........
