Line 6 Amp Farm... anyone tried it? got clips?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
So I was reading about this plug-in and it grabbed my interest... 600 bucks is quite a lot, more than double of what ReValver costs, and quadruple of what the GearBox plug-in does... so...

anyone has tried it? what are your opinions on it? is it worth it? anyone got clips? is it only compatible with ProTools?

i know that amp farm was used quite a bit on both APC albums, and the tones on there are pretty kickass

but that being said, machinated is right that it's both a)available for PT only, and b)is pretty old/outdated at this point

there's a lot of free guitar sims out there that would probably smoke amp farm with some good impulses
I had a look on the digidesign website, and they have updated all the software to PodXT standard. Even still, with Gearbox you can get all the same amps (I think), plus the option of the model packs, and save a lot of money.....If you want line 6 modeling go for Gearbox, otherwise look around - there are many great options available right now.
If you have an HD/TDM system, Amp Farm won't eat your CPU, only your card DSP, which is the main advantage over using Gearbox. If you're not running multiple instances of CPU-heavy plugs, then Gearbox is fine.
Amp Farm is Pod 2.0 preamp sounds with Pod 2.0 and some Pod XT cabinets. A producer I used to work with had it, and we both agreed that my Pod XT Live absolutely KILLED it.