Line 6 model packs.

I bought the Toneport DI-gold instead of all the model packs and effects. MF has it for 149.00 now. While some may consider the hardware interface to be a joke as its 'just' a toneport, (Its metal tho too, so it can many a dump off the computer desk to the floor and survive).. if you're into Line 6 modeling, want the tones of a Vetta plus zero latency that this software and hardware offer which can plugin to any DAW-this is probably your best route.
Its about all I have been recording with for about the past year. Plus, these models are transferable to another device later on down the road if you want to go to a UX8 or such.
yeah, I have a Guitarport with the combo pack, thankfully I didn't pay more than 75+ 49.00 for the model package and I can transfer that to a UX2 I recently bought. I held off on buying a UX2 just because, I wanted it but I really didn't need it, plus its plastic!
Line 6 is pretty tight on their marketing, they seem to stave off price reductions until newer products are coming out, so they must be planning on a new slew of releases or they're just rounding out the diversity of availability to everyone by finally reducing the prices to a level that is affordable to new generation of users but yeah, I can relate.