Line 6 UX2/UX1


Jun 8, 2012
Alright, first post. I have recently been looking into some recording gear and wanted to know if I could get good tones from a UX1 or 2 with Pod Farm. As far as tone goes something distorted... i.e OM&M or Stick to Your Guns. I do not have any experience with pod farm or anything line 6 sooo...please help! Thanks.
Thanks for the reply... the reason i was looking at a line 6 interface because i was looking into pod farm. I own a mac and was also looking at an apogee duet with logic. How exactly do you use these sims? just download and use with like... logic and guitar in with my interface?
Aw, there's a problem with macs. Many of the sims aren't available for mac.
But yes, you just load the plugins into your daw.
Here's a tutorial series on how to use ampsims (I haven't watched them but I'm sure they're good cause the guy who posted them is pure awesomeness :D )
Yeah, not POD Farm. The JCM 800 model is decent, but I mainly use POD Farm for dicking around than anything serious. Free amp sims are the way to go.
Thanks for the help guys. I am just looking for some gear to do some basic demos, late night recording, and get quick ideas down. For legit recording I would go to a studio in nashville.
If you're just going to be doing informal recording, then just go with the UX1/2 for an interface and skip POD Farm, as you can get much better tones using free amp sims/cabinet sims.
Any opinions on waves gtr3 and such would it be better or free amp sims all the way?
Thanks for the reply... the reason i was looking at a line 6 interface because i was looking into pod farm. I own a mac and was also looking at an apogee duet with logic. How exactly do you use these sims? just download and use with like... logic and guitar in with my interface?

Here is the tutorial I did on a mac. The premise would be the same for logic, except you would have to find an AU equivalent or substitue of that Reverence plugin (reverence is a cubase plugin).

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Try the free stuff first and then, if you don't like it, spring for POD Farm. Why pay for something you may not even need.

And yes, LePou>POD, but the LeCto is still my fav. :)
At this point what i am torn on is just getting like a ux1 or 2 for an interface; because i am in desperate need of one. I know it would not be the best interface but money is tight and that would be to birds with one stone so... i have also looked into apogee for my mac... seems to be really good stuff. I don't really know whether to get an apogee one or duet and start with the free stuff or just get a ux1 or 2 to use as an interface and have pod farm. I am leaning more towards apogee..