Line6 5150 criminal or Revalver 5150 ?


Ninja Warrior
Nov 22, 2008
Around the corner
Hi, I got line6 ux1 and I plan to upgrade it with metal shop pack just for 5150,
I'm not sure is it worth payin...
Does anyone has it and does it sound better than 5150 from revalver mkIII or not? thanx.
Eh, it's Line6's sim so... but, fwiw, it's one of the best sims that Line6 offers. Having owned an XT and MS and then getting MKIII...there is no contest that MKIII pwns that shiz. That's just my opinion though.

thanks guys, I guess I'll get the metal pack cause it's cheap and I can try the diezel and engl amp sims,
revalver should be better...and I've wasted 100 bucks to never find use of the ux1.:)