5150 not loud enough?!?

To be fair, I only played for a minute or two, and I was in a very large room- I'd say 20x40 feet, with 15 foot ceilings, which probably helped a bit. It was very loud, enough to drown out a drummer entirely; it certainly wasn't pleasant or anything I'd want to do again... just that an old-school Marshall and a Mesa Mark series are even louder. :ill:

The last time I ever forgot my earplugs was the time I mentioned in my previous post with the Mark IV... never again. I need earplugs no matter what as my drummer's snare is uncomfortably loud without them. Thankfully my hearing tests out normal!

I like loud amps... And hard hiting drummers.

of course my ears are damaged from over the years due to that.

having an amp that can deliver all the power you'll ever need has helped me in lots of clubs with shitty/small PA system. Many times I told the sound guy not to mic my amp because I had to keep the volume so low in order not to drown the sissy PA and mess with the mix that I found myself not hearing the amp behind me and have a really weak tone because the volume was really low.

And what about floor monitoring you may ask? well... from my experience I never rely on monitors simply because the majority of situations I'm not satisfied with the monitoring I got volume/tone wise...
So I allways maked sure I could get the sound from my amp no matter what, and still use the monitors in front of me for drums+bass+vocals.

I remember some horror shows when I trusted the sound guy and found my self not hearing my guitar completly thru the monitors and hearing the return from the room instead. Good thing we practiced like maniacs those days otherwise we were fucked.

We solved that using a permanent sound guy... But since clubs don't have always the same gear I maked sure I could always hear my amp.

just my opinion...
I like loud amps... And hard hiting drummers.

of course my ears are damaged from over the years due to that.

having an amp that can deliver all the power you'll ever need has helped me in lots of clubs with shitty/small PA system. Many times I told the sound guy not to mic my amp because I had to keep the volume so low in order not to drown the sissy PA and mess with the mix that I found myself not hearing the amp behind me and have a really weak tone because the volume was really low.

And what about floor monitoring you may ask? well... from my experience I never rely on monitors simply because the majority of situations I'm not satisfied with the monitoring I got volume/tone wise...
So I allways maked sure I could get the sound from my amp no matter what, and still use the monitors in front of me for drums+bass+vocals.

I remember some horror shows when I trusted the sound guy and found my self not hearing my guitar completly thru the monitors and hearing the return from the room instead. Good thing we practiced like maniacs those days otherwise we were fucked.

We solved that using a permanent sound guy... But since clubs don't have always the same gear I maked sure I could always hear my amp.

just my opinion...
After transporting my 5150 it suddenly became much louder and the bass much more powerful!!!
There must be something wrong with my amp....I couldn´t believe it is SUCH a quiet thing....