Line6 HD147 direct and mic'd


Mathew Cohen
I think this head has a VERY usable tone... what do you think?

Mic'd Single 57 on V30

Mic'd Single 57 on Sheffield 1290

Mic'd Two 57s on V30

Direct out via XLR

Schecter Hellraiser w/81> hd147> Presonus Digimax> Digi002
I'm been pretty impressed with Line6 stuff lately.

At show I saw last night (Beneath the Massacre and The Faceless), one of the guys in The Faceless was using a Vetta II, while the other used an HD147.

The Vetta was the best tone I heard all night, in all aspects - clean, crunch, and lead all just absolutely killed!

The HD147 was edgy and thin, like those clips :-/
The HD147 was edgy and thin, like those clips :-/

Yeah... I think it just might be the settings I used... I love low end in my live sound, but was looking for something a little more comparable to what I've heard on this forum... my live sound, i think, sounds great, but i'm not sure how it sounds recorded... i'll try that and I'll tweak it a bit and post again this weekend...