Recording my Buddies Band "Izeovasis;" Rough Mix Posted (Mic'd drum+51/50>Vader)


Artist: Idoler
Nov 11, 2008
Alameda, Ca.
Wanted to test out the kind of recording quality our rehearsal space that we all share might offer me if i waned to start recording more bands. Might be filling in on guitars for these guys and was interested in recording their e.p. as well. :)

Recording Process:
Drums: all of his (Derek, a.k.a. Deezel, a.k.a. "Big Deez") drums were mic'd into my fp10, some resampled post recording of course.
mic'd the kick (Audix D6), snare top (Shure SM57) and bottom (Audix i5), 3 toms, 2 rack (Audix D2's), 1 floor (Audix D4) and two overheads (Cheap MXL 440's that came free w/ my Audix mics).
Guitars: Michael Kelly signature guitar tuned to Ab. i mic'd up my 51/50 into his (Nick) Vader cab running a bbe maximizer and my 15band rack eq. (SM 57, centered toward the lower left speaker, cab flipped on it's side...andy Sneap style, haha)
Bass: Used his (Mike) conklin 7 string direct into my fp10
Vocals: for his vocals (Jay, a.k.a. "J-balls") i used my little portable vocal booth that i made, Shure SM58 w/ a pop filter into my Presonus Eureka Channel strip into the fp10

anyway, they posted a rough track from their upcoming "Bound by Design" E.P. on their myspace
please critique/lemme know what you guys think. This is still a rough track, i did a really quick mastering job for volume and spreading purposes so they can post something a "bit" more finished sounding. still needs some polish, and would love some feedback. thank you!

PLEASE FORGIVE THE MYSPACE QUALITY...i would post the full quality in dropbox, but it's not my track to give out! :Smug:

Cheers dudes! :kickass:
and Enjoy!!!

Rough Track from Izeovasis' "Bound by Design" e.p.
IZEOVASIS on Myspace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
I'm digging it, the guitar tone is very different, very industrial, but it totally fits. What I will say is that the cymbals sound mono, and that's really my only complaint! You did a good job.
Both the guitars and vocals have a weird metallic, phaseyness to them. It's hard to make out details on MySpace, try uploading to Soundcloud or Soudnclick, where we can stream without downloading.

The drums sound fucking incredible.
Thanks a lot u guys, i don't post here often, but i trust everyones opinion on here!!! i want to start being a better contributer to this forum, i've just been slammed lately w/ trying to get my studio/life on track! haha

AllanD- okay, what would you suggest for the cymbals? i have the stereo track of'em, as well as the two mono separate mono tracks, i was experimenting with using the mono tracks and spreading them 80% left and right in the mix to have more control of where they hit the speaker...think i should just do a spread on the stereo track? or maybe add it at a low volume spread out w/ the highs boosted a bit more?

Morgan C- here's a better mp3 of the song...gawd i hate myspace, it just rapes everything!!! let me know if this helps the gits and vox sound/"metallic phasing etc. :)
Morgan C- here's a better mp3 of the song...gawd i hate myspace, it just rapes everything!!! let me know if this helps the gits and vox sound/"metallic phasing etc. :)

The vocals sound better. The guitars still have the metallic phasey sound about them, but I guess it's too late to change that isn't it. It kinda works though. I honestly wouldn't change the mix, I think it sounds pretty damn perfect. Details on the kick/snare? Is that the Monzter Drums snare drum mixed in there?
Hahaha, thanks man, honestly, i think this is the "one" song off of the e.p. that doesn't show off how great the guitar tone actually turned out. For the snare, i just ended up sampling the NirZ snare from S2.0...we all think that snare worked really well for the sound. It's not too late to fix the "phasing" on the guitars btw, it's a very light delay i was using to add some depth, maybe i'll bring it back a tad :)