Alt Rock Mix- real choir, natural drums, Jcm 800, David Eden bass!!


Jun 13, 2007
Here's one of my latest works. I'm pretty happy with it but would like you guys opinions on it too.
They're an Irish band. We did a 4 track E.P. I tracked and mixed it, another guy mastered it. 2 singers in the band, guitarist and the drummer.

Drums were a Pearl Session kick w/ powerstroke 3 batter head D6 in, D112 out. Pearl masters custom snare miced with an I5 top, 57 top and beyer m201 on the side. They're export toms miced with a D2 and D4. Kept the drums all natural in the mix, no samples o anything. I spot miced all the cymbals instead of a conventional OH set up. It's Rode Nt1 on hats, Oktave mc012's on crash and ride and an Audix F15 on the other crash. I used my T bone Rb100 ribbon mic a few feet in front of the kick as a room mic and placed it quite low near the ground. This got used a good bit in the mix depending on the part.

Guitars were mostly JCM800 2204 for all the gritty tracks. We used a few different amps for the cleans like a Hi watt tube combo and a small amp a mate of mine built like an early marshall type thing.

Bass was an American Jazz STD into an Eden head, used the recording out and nothing else. Didn't even plug it into a cab! It had a tube pre, traveller 550 model I think. I tracked through a dbx 160xt for some comp on the way in.

Vox were all tracked with a rode Nt-1 ( not nt-1a). I felt they were a bit too bright and kinda brought out the lispy character in one of the singers voices but it sounded nicer than the other mics I tried overall.

Went out on location for the choir parts. Went to a really nice house with a big room that had a nice reverb. Recorded them with both a spaced pair pretty wide and m/s in the centre. Ended up using mostly the spaced pair with a little of the M in the centre, the m/s was a bit too much in the end I thought. Recording these were great fun as it was a bunch of their mates, mostly people from bands and music students in Uni so they had fun with it while stillall knwoing what they were doing.

The master is a bit hot, it audibly clips in a few places but the band were happy so they went with it. I didn't master it so it's not my call. Other than that I'm happy with it. AND FIRES EQ16.WAV
No opinions?
Choir parts are all natural and dry, all the verb was natural verb from the room we tracked it in.
AMAZING! I've been using the same micing technique for drums lately and I've been preferring it as well.