Line6 Metal Shop? - Bass Recording?

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
I just got my "Line 6 Studio Pod GX" and now i want to learn something
about recording, so that I can record my own Songs!
I don't really like the Amps of the normal Pod Farm so i am wondering if
the Metal Shop Addon would be a good choice?!
Is it worth the 25$ or could I get better results with free Plugins like
the Tse x30 + IR's?

Of course I also need Bass in my Recordings.
Would it be a good idea to Record my Guitar trough a Bass amp of Pod Farm
and then turn the pitch down?
Or is a Bass VSTi the better choice?

Oh and "Hello" to everybody!

Well, as an owner for both Metal and Collectors Pack, i'd recommend that u'd buy them as bundle, and yes ,it worths, especially when you u use them with good impulses..
I don't really need the Collectors Pack, but I think that i'll buy the
Metal Shop Addon soon.
I hope that it's good, 'cause i don't want to pay 25$
for something I won't use. :loco:
well, 25$ isn't that much, if i were you, i'd buy, try and in case of dislike, i'd remove it and get my money back..they guarantee a 30-day money back ;)
for bass, i can't really help you, as i have a crappy 5-string bass guitar, which is totally enough for me thanks to some vst's ;) But VSTI would be a better option in your current situation