Line6 Question - Metal Shop?


May 24, 2005
If you have mutliple line6 devices on 1 account; are you required to purchase Metal Shop for each device or only need to purchase it once?

I have a POD XTL and just picked up a Toneport UX2. The XTL has Metal Shop.
You need one on each device! However if you're on the same account one thing you can do is transfer them back and forth, but i think its quite an irritating process, so if I were you i'd pick the thing you're gonna use it on most.
You can transfer the license between the Line6 devices whenever and how many times you want, but the pack will be installed on only one device at a time. So, if you don´t want to have to swap the packs between poxt and toneport all the time you must purchase it two times :(
So, to transfer it from my POD xtl, do I have hook it up via the line monkey first to delete and then it is free to use on tone port?

Honestly, I rarely ever hook my POD XTL to the net.