Line6 toneport


likes jambands, too
Sep 8, 2009
Hey everyone, this just dawned on me a few minutes ago and I thought I should post about it.

I don'[t know if you all know about the Line6 Toneport, but its this little black thing that is a field recorder, basically, and only records when it detects a volume of noise that crosses whatever threshold it has. Its a fucking handy little thing.

Anway, we use that for band practice to record ourselves each week, and I just realized that this would be a great example for people to check out how it can sound.

On my myspace page, we've got 3 songs that were recorded at practice with the toneport @ They are the last 3 songs on our player (Unholy Ceremonies, Abominations, Vile Minions of the Cross).

This is NOT a shameless plug for my band, as I'm doing that elsewhere :loco: lol

So, here's the caveat for the recordings: They were done in our rehearsal space which is probably like.... 13x13 or so. It DOES have peaked rafters or whatever you call it, where the ceiling comes down at an angle on both sides of the room. This is the equipment/room layout:
|pa------------toneport |

All of the instruments point towards the drums, basically, and the drumer sits facing the door. The drummer also has a PA setup for his kick triggers with a speaker on each side of his kit, facing the same way as him. And the singers PA is that crazy tall narrow Bose thing that puts out a 90 degree spread i think, but its still pointed at the drummer.

So thats that. We play pretty loud.... i have my Bugera 6260 on like, ~3-3.5 or so, I think.

So again, and the last 3 tracks are recorded with the Toneport.

I figured youd all like to see this because afaik they're a lot cheaper than every other field recorder. I don't know its memory capacity, cuz it's our singer's but i know it can handle our 4+ hour rehearsals.

I think it sounds pretty good, actually, for the price and for what it is. I just realized the other day that the sound it gets is a lot like the sound of Morbid Angel's "Formulas Fatal To The Flesh" because they used mostly overheads for that album, and this is the same concept.

Anyway, I just thought you guys might be interested in some examples of it, seeing as its almost Christmas time and its cheap and it could be something to ask for... haha :headbang: