Linear phase EQ for Mac that won't put me in the poor house?

Dec 10, 2012
Washington, DC
As pretty as the Fabfilter stuff is, I just find it hard to justify blowing $200 on an EQ when I already have plenty others. ReaFIR in Reaper is fine sonically, but you have to draw the EQ curves yourself, which is a pain. Any suggestions, or should I just stop being a pussy and buy Pro Q? I'm mostly considering the purchase because my bass tones always seem flubby as hell no matter what processing I do, and I assume the EQ may contribute to that.
Depending on your plans for it, have you considered buying ozone?

Actually already have it, but it seems a little silly using the whole suite just for the EQ and it takes up much more processing power (even with everything but the EQ bypassed) than a stand-alone EQ would. But if the answer to this thread is that nothing cheapish exists, then I might just end up using it :lol:
IMO, you don't want a cheap linear phase EQ. There have been some nasty ones on the market which were prone to pre-ringing like crazy. The good thing about Pro-Q 2 is once you get it, you literally don't need another EQ. You can throw all the rest out.
Since getting Pro-Q 2 I can concur, I pretty much haven't had the need or desire to use any other eq, I think aside from some TINY things all they'd need to do is implement some distortion feature from Saturn to give it analog-mojo (if you want it) then it will pretty much be one eq to rule them all.
The good thing about Pro-Q 2 is once you get it, you literally don't need another EQ. You can throw all the rest out.

I gather that you were a big fan of DMG eqs. Have you compared any of them with Pro-Q 2?

I have only compared it's HP filter with Equick so far,and decided I'll stick with Equick.