link to the new Metallica song, Cyanide

Poorly mixed, and Hetfield voice sounds out-of-place. Might be better in studio, I'll reserve judgement until I hear it there.
I agree about the instrumental part, but Hetfield just sounds annoying in that clip. He's definitely the weak-link in Metallica and with Lars Ulrich around that's saying something.
The live version is terrible, but is very bootleg too, so I'll wait for the album to leak, then downaload, listen to it and give the final judgement (which knowing the jury probably will be hanging :lol: )
Sounds like Hetfield's lost a bit of the ol' stage presence ever since he sobered up & took the anger management classes...
The song's not horrible, but it sure isn't inspiring me to go pre-order the new album
It's definitely is an improvement over 99% of St.Anger and if the drums don't sound like a 3 year old pounding on pots and pans I do believe this might be their best work in several years, will the album hold a candle to their classics? doubtful, will it be at least listenable? I hope so! :Saint: