
Well, here it is my contribution to this thread, adding a link I use to check out from time to time. It is a page containing a lot of stuff including videos, retouched pics and curiosities, but the negative note is the language: it is written in spanish. I post it here because italians and spanish speakers might find some interest on it (as always, there are stupid jokes and better ones, give it a try).

There's the new Matrix version called: "Star Wars Reloaded".

as seen on, the following is a link to the website of an organization that tries to justify pedophilia. as sickening as the reading can be, i suggest you check it out and subsequently proceed to do to the owner, contributors and supporters of this site the nastiest things that come to your mind. it is rather challenging to read some of the articles all the way through without feeling very, very sick.
pictures such as this one and comments such as this
And always splendid photographs and poetry
go along with every issue of a "splendid" magazine where there's plenty of room for opinions such as this
Let’s now apply these findings to the witch hunt against pedophiles. The reasons why sexual feelings for children are regarded as negative in this society should make an interesting theme for a future article. Many people (twenty-five percent!!) turn out to have a capacity for such feelings. Might it not be that these feelings, precisely because they are branded as negative, end up as a result in the shadow of the psyche? The strong emotional outbursts against pedophilia can be explained in this way. After all, when such people are confronted with pedophilia, this recalls the fear that their suppressed feelings may surface. This is quickly remedied by projecting those feelings onto a scapegoat. This will be vehemently denied because it is an irrational and unconscious process. So there we see temper tantrums and the replacement of balanced arguments with emotional cries, if necessary even with lies and distortion of facts. In short: a witch hunt against pedophilia takes place.
here's the link:
i'm inclined to show very little mercy towards these bastards.
