
HOTU is teh cool. i was about to fail all of my master's exams because of it. :p
It is teh nostalgic too. Now i just have to find out how to download the games at work, with broadband deluxe ultramega, 4 MB empty harddisk space and no CDROM writer, and then get them home. *drools geeky over the thought of Settlers 2*
you'll bump your head against the wall repeatedly while trying to make them run on xp, though. if you have an old pc with win98 on your chances might increase, otherwise be prepared to download your weight in applications designed to run abandonware, and tinker for hours on end with the options until you finally get some result. at some point i really got into it and was able to see old dos games work quite fine, with sounds and all, even on my winxp-equipped home computer. then got bored and forgot most of it. <-- Hahahahahahahah!

VC: Interesting. One of my grad classes now is in Bio-technology and I've learned a great deal about the field and where it stands today.. there are so many intricate and interesting research areas going on and great breakthroughs.. especially in the stem-cell field and the controversial embryonic stem-cell field. It's amazing how much we've learned of genetics and the complex systems of cellular developement and repair ..yet so much unknown still and so many unexplained and weird phenomenons.