Liquid Saffire low mic signal level


Mikey B Nasty
Apr 15, 2008
New York
Alright, I hate to bust out the noobism, but this is really bothering me. My Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 is bringing in really low mic signal levels. To get even 1/3 of the meter lit up the Gain has to be cranked past 3/4, and thats ridiculous. At that point it sounds like crap. All the pres, the two liquid and the 6 other standard focusright pres on the interface do the same thing. The Liquid Pre configurations are run through SaffireMix Control on my laptop, all running through firewire. I have an ART Voice Channel pre that I have hooked up using ADAT, and naturally that works just fine, and sounds fantastic IMO. ATM I'm tracking my Engl btw. I mean sure if I crank the amp up to unholy volumes I'll get a decent signal, but last time I blew out a ceiling light doing that (no joke, it was epic).

Am I missing something here? I'm under the impression that the pres on this interface should be able to give me a decent signal without maxing out the gain knob. Anthing below 1/2 is pretty much unresponsive. I've tried both my 57 and e906 and they both have the same problem, and with vox the sm7b is really low as well. Even my old school Lexicon Lambda and Mbox mini bring in a stronger signal.

Any ideas? I've been trying to get some clips of my Invader for you guys but getting this straightened out is my first priority. Thanks.
Looks like you're due for a systematic troubleshooting. Check cables, check for engaged pads, check for gain, etc. I know Saffire has some sort of mixer software (I forgot the name), maybe check the routing/settings in that too.. To me, half the job of an AE is to solve problem, most of the time. Sorry I can't be of a more specific help, but I'm sure if you check everything systematically, you'll get around it pretty quick (unless it's broken up)
Sounds about right. How about a direct guitar signal? I tend to have mine on about 3.5 there which will peak orange. For recording a guitar cab, a 5150 on post gain 1.5 will need about 3/4 (8) to get a solid green -18 signal. Anything past 3/4 gain isnt too pretty on these pres.
Direct guitar signal is beautiful. Barely needs any gain at all. Just the mic'ed cab or vocals for that matter barely put a dent in the meter until it gets to about 8.
I have the same problem. When Im using mics I often have to crank the gain to 75-85%, when using direct instrument its just about 30%.
Yea I was hoping this was an issue that could be resolved, but if it's just the nature of this interface I'll just have to crank it up, or start buying more external pres :grin:.