List your clock generator (James, Lasse, Ermz... you are welcome)


Nov 7, 2008
Hi, I'm on market to find a good external clock generator for my settup.
Actually I run a multiface clocked to internal but an ADI8 will come soon (I hope). My plan for future is to run with two 8x192 Mytek digital converter.

Many of you think clock don't change AD/DC a lot, I thinked same before hear Lasse clock shoutout on gearslutz:lol:
Now I think a good clock would be a great choice for improve my digital chain, but lot of clock on market:erk:
Here a list about what I looking for:

Mytek Studioclock192 CX
Apogee bigben

Btw, I hear about Mutec from Germany

Any opinions, advice?
What clock do you use (name it please), external or internal?
Can you describe your chain?

Thanks in advance and please, don't say do a search on gearslutz. I already do and no valid result. No comp between Mytek and Apogge...etc.
I'm intrested on this also. I was thinking about a Drawmer since they are only around $700, but for a few hundred more I can get a big ben. Don't know if the big ben will be any better though.
I've never really been too hung up on this stuff TBH. If you have a decent converter to use as your master, you shouldn't need an external clock. Dan Lavry had a huge go at Apogee about this, and why their interfaces seemingly need the Big Ben.
I've never really been too hung up on this stuff TBH. If you have a decent converter to use as your master, you shouldn't need an external clock. Dan Lavry had a huge go at Apogee about this, and why their interfaces seemingly need the Big Ben.

Yep, Katz also said that the internal clocking works best-

if it's good enough for Katz and lavry it's good enough for me
Yeah, clocking is a bit like shopping for boutique cable types. That's the point at which you've crossed the GS 'wank threshold'. But if you were to listen to them, the cables you interconnect your studio with are more important than the performers :lol:

That place is seriously ground zero to get a totally skewed view of engineering.
That place is seriously ground zero to get a totally skewed view of engineering.

I used to read the GS forums before I started coming here. It scared me. The money they talk about spending is just outrageous !!
IME it highly depends on how much digital outboard you actually run. If you're just slaving out to one or two devices then it really is negligible (unless it's a really bad clock).

But jitter multiplies with the amount of devices you're slaving the masterclock's signal through, so a dedicated high-quality external clock does make sense if you run tons of digital outboard.
I remember talking to the HDIC at Benchmark at winter NAMM '08, and he too held master clocks to be of very low significance in terms of audible affect (and also was not too keen on Apogee, I'm sensing a trend here :loco: )
I do believe a very good word clock can make an audible difference when using lots of outboard. As in less artefacts. And if you go into the post-prod. of digital video, it's even more important.

But there are also guys like Hank Linderman who claim this about their Big Bens:

It was fairly dramatic when I hooked it (BIG BEN) up. It was very, very obvious. There were essentially three differences that I noticed. First, the coherency of the sound? the dimensionality, all that improved dramatically. Secondly, there was extension at the frequency extremes mostly in the high end and a bit in the low end. And finally, the focus and clarity in the mid-range was improved. And I am very sensitive to mid-range. "
- Hank Linderman
Engineer, Producer, Musician

... which I think comes pretty damn close to "mojo bullshit".

Look like a good solution for portable or small rig, need to read about this.
Thanks for the link;)

Big Ben seems to be the most used.

I clock my 192s to the HEDD and they live more happily :)

Big ben is popular because Apogee is most popular digi converter remplacement. And of course people go for same couple (like digi sync with 192)

I suppose HEDD sound awesome but a little too expensive for me at the moment (especially for a clock:lol:)....
Thank for the imput Eddy;)

I'm using the internal one in my apogee ad16-x

What do you think about this comparing to your old rig with rosetta Lasse?

antelope ocx!!! I try the big ben and the nanosync from rosendhal and my final choice was the antelope.

See this yesterday on your GS studio thread Yannick, sound like a possibility;)

Lynx Aurora 8 as the master clock for Digi002 here.

Sound logic:lol:

Internal clocking on FireFace 800. It's hard to beat RME's clocking.

I've never really been too hung up on this stuff TBH. If you have a decent converter to use as your master, you shouldn't need an external clock. Dan Lavry had a huge go at Apogee about this, and why their interfaces seemingly need the Big Ben.

I remember talking to the HDIC at Benchmark at winter NAMM '08, and he too held master clocks to be of very low significance in terms of audible affect (and also was not too keen on Apogee, I'm sensing a trend here :loco: )

I thinked this before but since I listen Lasse comp I changed my opinion...
compare by yourself

I should actually try a comparison between the AD-16x's and the ADI8 pro's clock..
I'm just too lazy tbh

Would be awesome, thanks in advance Lasse:worship:

IME it highly depends on how much digital outboard you actually run. If you're just slaving out to one or two devices then it really is negligible (unless it's a really bad clock).

But jitter multiplies with the amount of devices you're slaving the masterclock's signal through, so a dedicated high-quality external clock does make sense if you run tons of digital outboard.

I do believe a very good word clock can make an audible difference when using lots of outboard. As in less artefacts. And if you go into the post-prod. of digital video, it's even more important.

But there are also guys like Hank Linderman who claim this about their Big Bens:

... which I think comes pretty damn close to "mojo bullshit".

Cable lengh and quality can destroy or increase this imo (don't speak about extremely high priced and "hype" clock cable, just standard quality cable).

Thanks for all this reply and imput:headbang:
Now, make a shoutout would be hell road since I live in France:lol:

Edit: ohhh, just see antelope ocx is less expensive than bigben
The HEDD is unbelievable good!!!! but it is so fucking expensive, for me un-payable :)

A good external clock make an audible difference!
But it is the last piece of the puzzle IMO.

Great recordings were done on a 002 or 003, 2626 or fireface 800....