Listen to a new Darkthrone MP3


Awesome, thanks. Quite the same stlye as there last few, which I like. Even though Darkthrone dont make albums that sound Transilvanian Hunger anymore, I still like there current stylings alot.
Aftenposten, Norway's best (and traditionally most conservative :p ) newspaper recently had a pretty big article about Fenriz and his fascination with skiing in the woods. Cool! The picture is from that very article!
Skiing is cool!

I do it alot myself. Norefjell, Henrik? I'm into cross-country skiing, though, so you probably won't see me in the half-pipe! :p

And I'm sorry that I just asume that you're into snowboarding, but you strike me as the type...
I have only tried snowboarding once, and I sucked hard at it :p

I'm more of a cross country skier myself too, but it's been a while since I last did it, sadly.
Under A Funeral Moon > A Blaze In The Northern Sky > Soulside Journey > Total Death > Transylvanian Hunger > Panzerfaust > Sardonic Wrath > Hate Them > Plaguewielder > Goatlord > Ravishing Grimness
Transilvanian Hunger > Under a Funeral Moon > A Blaze in the Northern Sky > Panzerfaust > Soulside Journey >>>> Total Death > Ravishing Grimness > Goatlord > Sardonic Wrath > Hate Them > Plaguewielder

They're all good though...