Listening to metal = Agressive personality?

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he accused me of having an aggressive nature due to listening to metal, he caught me air drumming to slayer one time at a set of traffic lights. Anyway, after I Kicked 7-bells-of shit out of him for insulting me I thought maybe there was something in his little theory, god rest his soul. I did a little research on the subject, no not the white labcoat/testube kind, more you pseudo-academic google cut n paste.

So the jist of 'my' findings were that we all have auditory mechanisms that basically act as radios in our minds, how often do you have songs stuck in your head that you just can't get rid of? That’s your own private radio on whether you know it or not. In the case of Celine Dion sticking your repeat button might I suggest self-decapitation.

Not to get too detailed modern psychology claims we are constantly changing state due to the content of our internal representations structured around the senses five. So those of us that listen to metal will more often than not have metal playing on our internal radios and are reacting to the content and general mood/overture of the music. My own conclusion supports this theory, just the other day somebody in my family asked me for the time by which I replied 'time you got a watch fucktard'. Mother wasn't pleased. Soon after I realised I had C.O.B song Hatebreeder playing in my head because I listened to it the night before.

This theory suggest metallers may not only be overly aggressive but also prone to negativity, depression and more clinically suicide. On the flip side those who listened to classical and up-tempo stuff were more positive. Listening to metal may well be detrimental to your mental health.

So how does your internal radio measure up to your moods and behaviours? Are you a complete nutter or the proverbial saint? You'll probably have to untie the rope to participate in this thread. Freaks.
I'm a pretty mean and cynical dude, but then I've always been a mean and cynical dude. Even when I have "Always With Me, Always With You" in my head, I'm a cynical dude.

I think that whatever music you listen to is going to a be a reflection of your mood, not the other way around. Besides, even the most casual metalhead knows that it's about release and expression, not planting any evil in someone in the first place.
Wow... I don't agree with this one bit.

I listen to Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Morbid Angel, Testament, Cryptopsy, Bloodbath, some Slayer, and a bunch of other aggressive bands, and I'm probably the most calm kid in this town. It could be because everyone else listens to (c)rap music and nothing else.

Anyway, I usually listen to different music on random. Right now I'm listening to Rush's Signals album, and after that I'm going to play a bunch of Pink Floyd. After that I might listen to Fear Factory or something. None of it effects me (Except for Dream Theater, because I listen to them when I'm in a better mood than usual) and I don't think it will anytime soon. If anything, the heavier the music is, the more calm it makes me. I'm just a strange person. :erk:

I don't know, it could also be because I've heard this stuff so much that I'm used to it. Besides, the songs I get stuck in my head are ones that have weird time signatures, so I can memorize them. What kind of feeling is that supposed to give? A feeling a unprediction? Not for me, at least.

I think the reason most kids are naturally angry or negative is because of add or something. They listen to violent music maybe because it reflects the way they live? I'm just saying that they are probably causing these problems themselves, not the music.

Anyway, I'm just ranting because I have nothing better to do.
alright, i suppose i'll type out a bit of response. like tubbs, i listen to a lot of death metal, black metal, satanic stuff and so on, but i'm not out in the woods performing crazy satanic rites. I'm not murdering anyone, not angry, none of that. Sure, i can get pumped up by a particularly aggressive song, but not in an angry way, and that rarely happens unless i'm in a group of people.

Tubbs kind of mentioned it, but the mood of the music tends to have an opposite effect on me. If i'm listening to a really depressing song (something along the lines of Weight of the World by antimatter) it usually makes me feel happy. If a song is aggressive, it puts me in a more docile mood. Likewise, if i'm listening to supposedly "happy" music (a lot of the stuff on the radio) i generally tend to get very bitchy and more angry.

Sorry, i don't put a lot of stock in that theory. I used to listen to Bloodbath's Resurrection through Carnage album to go to sleep to. it's calming.
I disagree with the main idea of this thread. I spend about 10 out of my 24 hours every day listening to bands like Symphony X, and my attitude isn't Agressive at all. My attitude is more of a "Leave me the fuck alone" attitude.
I think coolsnow pretty much said what I was going to say. However, I'd also like to add that it depends on the listener as well. If you're dumb enough to take anything said by people in corpsepaint sodomizing each other in the name of the almighty satan seriously, then you have problems.
DoomsdayZach said:
alright, i suppose i'll type out a bit of response. like tubbs, i listen to a lot of death metal, black metal, satanic stuff and so on, but i'm not out in the woods performing crazy satanic rites. I'm not murdering anyone, not angry, none of that. Sure, i can get pumped up by a particularly aggressive song, but not in an angry way, and that rarely happens unless i'm in a group of people.

Tubbs kind of mentioned it, but the mood of the music tends to have an opposite effect on me. If i'm listening to a really depressing song (something along the lines of Weight of the World by antimatter) it usually makes me feel happy. If a song is aggressive, it puts me in a more docile mood. Likewise, if i'm listening to supposedly "happy" music (a lot of the stuff on the radio) i generally tend to get very bitchy and more angry.

Sorry, i don't put a lot of stock in that theory. I used to listen to Bloodbath's Resurrection through Carnage album to go to sleep to. it's calming.
Heh, wow. I didn't think anyone else was like that. o_O
Beelzebub said:
If you're dumb enough to take anything said by people in corpsepaint sodomizing each other in the name of the almighty satan seriously, then you have problems.

Yes. Just listening to metal or any kind of angry music will not automatically result in aggressive or violent behavior. This comes from the person's mental or emotional state to begin with, regardless of what they are listening to. If they have mental or emotional issues, they could be set off if they heard Paul Simon or Billy Joel. Music people listen to is just a reflection of how they feel and what makes them feel good inside. It is not a trigger or catalyst to problematic behavior. That is an internal problem for which the person must identify the cause.

On the other hand, listening to Poison or Warrant for a period of time might result in a mental breakdown of some kind. :)
a very entertaining opening to the thread - hmm, i like fairly 'aggressive' music like COB and I'm seriously one of the most laid back easy going people out there, so listening to metal hasn't changed anything in my internal structure. however, i have noticed it produces mood shifts depending on the type of song. Similar to what Zach said, if I'm already in a pissed off mood over something, then faster paced death metal has a relaxing effect; if i feel sad and despondant then something mellow might make me feel better; if I'm in a particularly good mood I like the cheesy upbeat metal; and if I'm feeling antsy...well Mikhael's death growls in particular just makes it even worse. Something like Children of Bodom for me is so upbeat that I can't help but get into a good energetic mood listening to it.

I think idea of suicide being linked to metal is a purely correlational argument.

suicide, heavily linked with depression, is higher in teens because of their brains are still in the developmental stage, and its highly possible the serotonin levels havent evened out yet. it just so happens that metal is more popular among teens - for two possible reasons:

firstly like i said with my paragraph above, the music may be a reflection of what someone is already feeling (rather than music producing the negative mood) and because teens go through massive hormonal changes, they are going to have huge mood changes and thus seek out the sort of music that might make them feel better; secondly i believe that what sort of music a person gets into during their teens/20's usually stays with them for the rest of their life, and metal only really got going in the 80's so its audience are still considered quite young.

another argument about suicide/metal would be the geographical location of the bulk of metal fans - northern europe. suicide is higher in these parts of the world and it is in fact thought to be related to the seasonal daylight hours, or rather the lack of vitamin D being obtained from sunlight during the long cold winter months.
There's also the fact that metal is the scapegoat. I know people always say it, but there was a news article on blabbermouth about some kid who murdered one of his friends, and they said he was a fan of aggressive music like as i lay dying. Nevermind that his myspace profile also listed artists like Pink and other more generally "acceptable" artists. But no, couldn't of been that. It was in fact a christian band that made this guy do such a horrible thing.
The only thing that changes when I have a metal song stuck in my head is the speed of my air-drumming.

Metalhead or not, I'm still gonna be the egotistical and humorous person that I am. But I could classify me personality as agressive, although I doubt it's because of metal. I just tend to stand up for what I believe in more openly than others.