Listening to metal = Agressive personality?

I think it is the destiny of every true metalhead to lack female attention. Thus he must soldier on, single, trying to bring the greatness of metal to the masses...

Or maybe we all end up just being prog nerds with long hair and no lives.
Whether you want to admit it or not, at least 95% of people who listen to metal have something wrong with them. Depression, angst, antisocial etc
I'd like for this not to be true but it is.
Eternal Dragon said:
Wha?? That doesnt make much sense. You said u dig the taken ones, then u say that desperate = appealing. Which one is it!!!! I might need to know that tomorrow...... but its not likely, haha.

I meant NOT giving off a desperate vibe is appealing - there are some single guys who dont give the despo vibe (and they are the ones us girls go for - but that usually means they are jerks coz they are extremely successful with women, so catch 22). unfortunately most guys who have that confident vibe, have it because they are in relationships and are not actively looking (but we dont know that till we try talking to them and find out).. if you guys get me now..
Black Stone Welder said:
Whether you want to admit it or not, at least 95% of people who listen to metal have something wrong with them. Depression, angst, antisocial etc
I'd like for this not to be true but it is.

hmm, pretty much agreed.. but not so much that something is 'wrong' but that they (personality-wise) dont fit the cookie-cutter norm of society in some way..
Black Stone Wielder said:
Whether you want to admit it or not, at least 95% of people who listen to metal have something wrong with them. Depression, angst, antisocial etc
I'd like for this not to be true but it is.

95% of people in general have something wrong with them. Depression medication is one of the biggest selling prescription drugs in America, I doubt that much of the population is listening to metal :lol:.
one thing to point out is that 37% of all statistics are made up, for instance 9 out of 10 agree my bastard V is the single greatest guitar you have ever laid eyes on.
coolsnow7 said:
I think it is the destiny of every true metalhead to lack female attention. Thus he must soldier on, single, trying to bring the greatness of metal to the masses...

Or maybe we all end up just being prog nerds with long hair and no lives.

God... you just described me depressingly well.

I wouldn't say I'm an aggressive person. I'm an extraordinary wiseass though.

Actually, come to think of it, I can get pretty aggressive. But only under certain circumstances.
Yeah it's so true that prog-metalers have a difficult time with women, the only case study I can refer to is myself. For instance, when I saw the Flower Kings recently apart from the usual mop haired mob there was a consistent beam of light bouncing around off the top of all the bald heads in the establishment. Needless to say I scored that night.:ill:

It's the most uncool profession in the world and women tend (generally) to stay clear because lets face it sex appeal plays and integral part. Would you see more women at a Dream Theater concert or Bon Jovi? I rest my case. I was at a Dragonforce concert recently and as usual the big hairy guys and teenage punks formed the old circle of death (which I'm also partial to occasionally) for the fast tunes and then all the ladies were doing a kind of Chris De Burgh concert wave for those pathetic ballads that they do that every power metal band feels obliged to perform, god only knows why.

Yes for sure the sexual barrier is ever closing and becoming more diverse in contemporary society but still some old certainties remain and old hairy beer guts at prog concerts is one tradition I can't see changing any time soon.
I agree with what some others have said that your current mood predicts what you feel like listening to. I don't see how listening to something you enjoy could possibly make you feel angry! If you enjoy it, you will feel content.

Now, I could see it if you forced someone to listed to some death metal who doesn't listed to anything close to that - it may cause them to feel angry, etc. but that is because they are not enjoying it.

Anyone who learns what type of music I listen to is always very surprised because there is nothing about my personality or appearance that would stereotype me that way. Music is a huge part of my life. Often I think about how there are actually people who DO NOT LISTEN TO MUSIC. I find this mindblowing to imagine life without it, but I guess it is just like other things for instance some people just don't like to read books (another of my fave things) and that's just how it is.
And remember folks, don't listen to any music with dissonant harmony (the tri tone, for all you musicians), as that was proclaimed "devil's music" by the church in the 16th century. So don't just stop listening to metal, stop listening to jazz, rock, blues, classical, um....just don't listen to music at all! :)
My motto has recently been "stay mental." Whenever I feel like it I can always take out the letter "n".
I believe listening to certain types of aggresive music in the right situation can absolutely get your adrenalin going and make you more aggressive than you might otherwise be, but I'm talking about concerts and such.

I do not believe that listening to metal music MAKES you an aggressive person. I've been listening to metal since the early 80's, and I've never felt a desire to beat the hell out of someone as a result of it.
goth_fiend said:
one thing to point out is that 37% of all statistics are made up, for instance 9 out of 10 agree my bastard V is the single greatest guitar you have ever laid eyes on.

Lol! I guess I'll just have to be that 1 out of 10.....:heh:

I was influenced highly when I was reading the book "Lords of chaos" and I was listening to Burzum,Mayhem,Emperor, every minute of the day. I used violence as a method to punish my stepfather, and I shed blood, my attempt of trying to throw him down the stairs failed and I got arrested quickly. I went to prison but have no regrets or no mercy. I was basically getting revenge from all the years of mental abuse and torment when I was young.