Listening to metal = Agressive personality?

Black Metal is gay. Besides the fact that most of that shit you could train a retarded monkey to play (no wonder you see members in these bands trade instruments so much, its not that they're skilled multi-instrumentalists, its that you can learn to play this shit in no time), the imagry is just stupid. Its neither evil nor threatening. Everyone winds up looking like a reject from the KISS tryouts.

I mean...just look:


Fucking LARP clowns is more like it. Next time a "tr00" black metal fan calls powermetal or progmetal gay I'm going to show them this picture and then shove my foot down their nostril for being idiots.

The most i get into "black metal" is a band like Borknagar, but then they aren't really black metal aside from the blastbeats and vocals.
You know, the really frightening thing is the amount of time it must take to make a costume like that.
Rose Immortal said:
You know, the really frightening thing is the amount of time it must take to make a costume like that.

Well, I guess they need to do something with their time since its obvious they don't spend it doing things like say, learning how to properly mix and produce an album.

And to stay on topic, when I see people really get into shit like this, I don't think metal makes people more aggressive, I lean towards thinking it makes people more stupid.
Not to mention it makes people more... hmmm.... gay? LOL they spend more time putting on their makeup and accessories than any other girl in the world that I know... LOL

And you black metal dudes dont tell me that you're always wearing that cause you dont go to sleep wearing that.
AngraRULES said:
Not to mention it makes people more... hmmm.... gay? LOL they spend more time putting on their makeup and accessories than any other girl in the world that I know... LOL

And you black metal dudes dont tell me that you're always wearing that cause you dont go to sleep wearing that.

I'm reminded of a quote from Spinal Tap..."its such a fine line between stupid and clever." The longer I'm a metal fan, the more I realize how often this genre straddles that line, and how saddeningly often it hits towards the "stupid" side (that goes for all kinds of metal, not just the obviously ridiculous ones like the aformentioned blackmetal).
I thought about the whole agression thing 4 a bit, and I've found one case. When i'm playin piano downstairs and my mum is upstairs yelling "DINNER IS READY!!!" every 5 seconds cos she thinks I can't hear her, then my sister joins in by banging on the floor as well. That shits me off to the point where I have to go upstairs and yell at them for being disrespectful nags. There is one thing that they should remember, and that is my improvs will only end when the music wants to end..... and that could be a few hours, SO STOP YOUR BITCHING AND LET ME FINISH COS I DONT WANT TO EAT TILL I'M DONE!!! :lol:

Its like a catch 22. They won't stop unless u tell them off, and when u do that u lose the vibe and have to stop anyway. And if i'm in the middle of the greatest creation ever, then it will be lost half way. That makes me agressive and mad, + sad :(.

Another thing which doesnt make me agressive but generally shits me off to the point where I wont talk to the insulter, is when ppl insult me by saying that (there are a few offbranches here) .....

A) If I have been locked up in my room all day musicing, then that is classed as "Doing nothing", as opposed to being locked up in my room all day studying, or even just taking the day off and going somewhere.

B) "Music is just a fun thing". :mad: It keeps me sane!! Even though I probably wont have a career in music it's definately the driving force in my life. This quote is actually directed towards a 'Music vs vacuuming' argument the other day. I didn't do the vacuuming while my parents were out bcos I doin a 2hr piano improv for the whole time, and I considered that to be more important than clean carpet.

C) etc etc...

In conclusion - Metal causes conflict/agression in life due to the conflict of opinion between 2 or more parties, of which the 2nd party being a non-metaller. When directed towards an action of the metaller, the non-metaller is often found to be wrong due to lack of understanding, and vice versa, so as long as neither party can understand each other there will always be conflict in the case of a musical confrontation. And they all lived happily ever after.
lol, dude i fucking love progressive metal but i don't see whats wrong with REAL black metal bands. I mean i course i share the hatred of fake black metal like dimmu borger or cradile of filth. But i have to say that Mayhem is one of my favorite bands...

is the corpse paint overdoing it? yea, alot of times it is.. but that doesn't mean i can't enjoy the music..
War_Blade said:
lol, dude i fucking love progressive metal but i don't see whats wrong with bands REAL black metal bands. I mean i course i share the hatred of fake blake metal like dimmu borger or cradile of filth. But i have to say that Mayhem is one of my favorite bands...

is the corpse paint overdoing it? yea, alot of times it is.. but that doesn't mean i can't enjoy the music..

Hey, I never said *you* can't enjoy it, I'm just saying why I think its stupid. Dimmu's done some good stuff musically, but then again, they actually pay attention to things like production quality and song writing.

I have a video of Mayhem on the Armageddon over Wacken 2004 DVD. Since you like them I won't lace into them, although I did think they were god awful.

I'm curious, what is it that you get out of music like that? Like, can you express more than one redeeming quality that makes you enjoy listening to it? I ask only because I can't find any, and I'm interested to know what a black metal fan gets out of black metal.
aww well you have the wacken 04 dvd.. only hellhammer (their drummer) is in the band still.

the orginal singer and orginal guitar player are both dead and the bass player is in jail.

And i don't really know how to describe the feeling i get while listening to them. I guess it makes me feel a bit evil. Perhapes I have an attaction to that?:err: I think maybe a romantic view of being evil is an necessity. I don't even believe in good or evil or anything like that and i consider myself a pretty nice guy so i guess im giving a piss poor excuse though :lol:

I have to say that the distinct harsh black metal vocals are a quality i enjoy. It took me a while to get used to it but it grows on yah. I was already a fan on death metal so it didn't really take long for me.

thats the best i can do for you. perhapes you should ask a tr00 black metal fan because i listen to a pretty broad range of metal....

edit: i shouldn't say the orginal cause the arn't but the most famed and my favorite members
Good Black Metal:
Dimmu Borgir (they are black metal so shut up. not kvlt or tr00, but they're black metal)
Wolves in the Throne Room

There are more, but that's about all i'm gonna say. Yeah, imagery is ridiculous, but i can't think of any metal band that doesn't look completely stupid sometimes. I mean, let's face it, all metal is goofy, even the "evil" shit and that's why i personally love it. it's not reality, it's an escape to be "intimidating" and "scary".

I'll also say that i completely discount each and every oppinion of those people who say BM sucks because of lack of production (matt cough hahaha) or any other reason, because you don't listen to it and don't care to understand it. That's fine, but it makes your oppinion invalid in my eyes. Don't bitch... very few of you take my anti-dream theater oppinion as a valid one and i can live with that :D
DoomsdayZach said:
I'll also say that i completely discount each and every oppinion of those people who say BM sucks because of lack of production (matt cough hahaha) or any other reason, because you don't listen to it and don't care to understand it.

What is there not to understand about it? I understand what I am hearing perfectly, and what is hear is shitty production, guys who can barely play their own instruments, and boring monotonous music. Thats bad in and of itself, but then you throw on the laughable degree of seriousness and the whole thing just becomes one giant joke. The KISS makeup is only adding insult to injury (I'm all for showmanship, but at least KISS don't take themselves seriously).

And I'm really not a fan of bands that have ridiculous band images, Zach. And if they ever do, the music is such that I can overlook that (like Lost Horizon). Or, its obvious the band isn't taking themselves super seriously (like Edguy). However, not only do I find the music of BM primitive, but it also has VERY ridiculous imagry, and on top of that, takes itself EXTREMELY seriously. Its like the metal equivalent of gangsta rap :lol:.

On the other hand, I can get into bands like Dimmu, Dissection, and Borknagar that use some elements of the genre but do so with intelligence (musical intelligence anyway, Jon Nodtveidt is a moron otherwise, and Dimmu's stage garb does make me cringe, but again I can tolerate it because the music is well done).

edit: a while ago, to prove how easy it is to write black metal, I did two parody BM songs that I put on myspace. It took me about 5 minutes to write each song, another 3 for the lyrics. So its not even like I'm talking out of my ass when I'm expressing my opinion about this shit.

behold the TROONESS!!!11
Black metal is for people that stand up for their individual beliefs, and stay strong on their opinions regardless of what others think. Black metal is not about conforming, or trying to impress its about saying "Fuck you, fuck off im glad I pissed you off ,and Im glad you hate us". So Im glad black metal is not a huge trend, Im glad many hate this genre because if it did become super popular it would not be black metal. As far as the imagery goes I think it looks cool at the live shows, it adds to the atmosphere of darkness and fun like Halloween. So if you think these guys go around everyday looking like this your dumb.
I expected this on a symphony X forum anyway, I am quoting a black metalers comments about the "fuck you" attitude.... if it sounds childish to you ...O well doesnt bug me. Their are bands in every metal genre that sound the same, not just black metal, there are good ones, bad ones, and posers but always find some good ones in there.