Listening to metal = Agressive personality?

Ptah Khnemu said:
Touché, and ouch.

Just thinking about Lorena Bobbit hurts. I bet she was listening to GWAR before doing something like that to her husband. :lol:

Thaaaaaat'd explain a lot, wouldn't it? :lol:

Rose Immortal said:
Ahh, but THAT is much more difficult to accomplish than just being vulnerable to every errant baseball, well-aimed kick, or tight pair of blue jeans that gets in the general area...or an angry wife (Can we say Lorena Bobbit?). Men are just VULNERABLE.

This is why I've always said that if there was some sort of creator, it was an IDIOT. Everything's all.. out there.. dangling. Not smart.
lol how invegerating this thread is lol!

Most people who I here stereo type metal say its all satanic lyrics, yelling screaming ect.. Which obviously derives from death metal, most progressive metal bands have a wide assortment of music under their belts, and screaming/death metal lyrics is on eof the few that aint their. And I don't think MEtal makes people agressive... I think agressiveness makes people metal, weird? I know, but how many of us listened to crap once apon a time, and was a young rebel lol! Now that metal has come into my life to stay my tempare has defenetly shot down, Metal...especially prog metal makes you appreciate life, and the things it has to offer and the things around you, weird? Maybe, Fruity...Possibly! But come on. Their is just so much Raw emotiong in PRog metal (symphony X especially) that you cannot help but to feel calm and cool
Alexander*_Reborn said:
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he accused me of having an aggressive nature due to listening to metal, he caught me air drumming to slayer one time at a set of traffic lights. Anyway, after I Kicked 7-bells-of shit out of him for insulting me I thought maybe there was something in his little theory, god rest his soul. I did a little research on the subject, no not the white labcoat/testube kind, more you pseudo-academic google cut n paste.

So the jist of 'my' findings were that we all have auditory mechanisms that basically act as radios in our minds, how often do you have songs stuck in your head that you just can't get rid of? That’s your own private radio on whether you know it or not. In the case of Celine Dion sticking your repeat button might I suggest self-decapitation.

Not to get too detailed modern psychology claims we are constantly changing state due to the content of our internal representations structured around the senses five. So those of us that listen to metal will more often than not have metal playing on our internal radios and are reacting to the content and general mood/overture of the music. My own conclusion supports this theory, just the other day somebody in my family asked me for the time by which I replied 'time you got a watch fucktard'. Mother wasn't pleased. Soon after I realised I had C.O.B song Hatebreeder playing in my head because I listened to it the night before.

This theory suggest metallers may not only be overly aggressive but also prone to negativity, depression and more clinically suicide. On the flip side those who listened to classical and up-tempo stuff were more positive. Listening to metal may well be detrimental to your mental health.

So how does your internal radio measure up to your moods and behaviours? Are you a complete nutter or the proverbial saint? You'll probably have to untie the rope to participate in this thread. Freaks.

Well, as for me, sometimes my private radio is always on air, the same stuff for my friends, but I don't feel beeing complete nutter, but also I can't say that I'm Ok as well. Having a big stuff of music and different funny phrases and situations from rock-metal life in my head I very often utter them - it's your case :lol: - on the subject of C.O.B.. I remember the times when I and one friend of my were seating on Spanish clinics (in the institute) and were commenting the teacher speach - for example she say something, and I hear the number "24" - and of course at once you hear the voice from the backstage, with B&B dialect - Woh, 24???? you mean 24-7, are you needled???? :lol: she say "eye" - I reply, woh, you mean electric eye??? or eye of the beholder, and goes on and on and on - so, my theory, its just one of the way of rocking!!!!

You say mother wasn't pleased??? - I hear the fhrase in my head - "everything my mamma don't like" - assocoations rule. Why "don't" - Ah, guys from Germany :loco:
i hate these ignorant people who think theyve got metal all figured out because they heard Ozzy or Twisted Sister on the radio. they dont listen to metal, therefore they cant understand it without doing the neccesary research, which none of these PMRC fucks bother to do.
sdmf2 said:
i hate these ignorant people who think theyve got metal all figured out because they heard Ozzy or Twisted Sister on the radio. they dont listen to metal, therefore they cant understand it without doing the neccesary research, which none of these PMRC fucks bother to do.

Yeah, I heard from many boys&girls who ignore metal the universal question for every band who plays hard - Is this Metallica??? :OMG: So, I even can add, that many of them even don't know what is that - Metallica - is it the real band or is it the way of playing??? - the theory is that Manowar is metallica, and DT and C.O.B. - is metallica too!!! Whan I hear such way of thinking - you can see my face :erk: Ok, I agree that it is no good to be narrowminded and think that everybody who doesn't like metal is freak, but I can't emagine how it is possible to unknow for adult man that Metallica is one of greatest bands of the world, do they watch TV or something???
proulxski said:
Most people who I here stereo type metal say its all satanic lyrics, yelling screaming ect.. Which obviously derives from death metal, most progressive metal bands have a wide assortment of music under their belts, and screaming/death metal lyrics is on eof the few that aint their.

Man, this thread is making me aggressive :lol:

I couldn't disagree with you more, and again i feel this is a completely ignorant comment. I can say yes, the screaming part is very much a part of death/black metal (don't forget metalcore). Satanic lyrics, yes, people think all metal is satanic, but to say that comes from death metal is silly. First of all, in the grand scheme of things, death metal bands aren't satanic (though there are obviously some such as deicide). That would be black metal my friend, and even black metal, though largely a satanic genre, has just as many bands who are more into mythology and folklore as well as nature, not just satan.

Sorry, progsnobby comments like that piss me off.

Yurti said:
Yeah, I heard from many boys&girls who ignore metal the universal question for every band who plays hard - Is this Metallica??? :OMG: So, I even can add, that many of them even don't know what is that - Metallica - is it the real band or is it the way of playing??? - the theory is that Manowar is metallica, and DT and C.O.B. - is metallica too!!! Whan I hear such way of thinking - you can see my face :erk: Ok, I agree that it is no good to be narrowminded and think that everybody who doesn't like metal is freak, but I can't emagine how it is possible to unknow for adult man that Metallica is one of greatest bands of the world, do they watch TV or something???
I had a cryptopsy keychain on my keys and someone asked me if it was a metallica keychain. I nearly had a seziure before i yelled at them for being retarded.
I was wearing a Symphony X shirt once, and somebody asked what the shirt said, and when I told them the band was Symphony X and explained exactly what they are, they asked me why I listened to homo music.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I was wearing a Symphony X shirt once, and somebody asked what the shirt said, and when I told them the band was Symphony X and explained exactly what they are, they asked me why I listened to homo music.

I was dating this chick who told me one time she was listening to Children of Bodom on her headphones while on a bus and some other girl asked her what she was listening to. She told her it was heavy metal and the girl replied " Avril Levigne?" :lol:

Well I guess Alexi kinda LOOKS like Avril :D
DoomsdayZach said:
I had a cryptopsy keychain on my keys and someone asked me if it was a metallica keychain. I nearly had a seziure before i yelled at them for being retarded.

You yelled at someone over a keychain...sad.
Yngvai X said:
I was dating this chick who told me one time she was listening to Children of Bodom on her headphones while on a bus and some other girl asked her what she was listening to. She told her it was heavy metal and the girl replied " Avril Levigne?" :lol:

Well I guess Alexi kinda LOOKS like Avril :D

ptah said:
I was wearing a Symphony X shirt once, and somebody asked what the shirt said, and when I told them the band was Symphony X and explained exactly what they are, they asked me why I listened to homo music.

and why was your sword not covered in the infidels blood that day???:err:
Ptah Khnemu said:
I was wearing a Symphony X shirt once, and somebody asked what the shirt said, and when I told them the band was Symphony X and explained exactly what they are, they asked me why I listened to homo music.

Maybe it was the George Michael sticker on your guitar case? :lol:

War_Blade said:
and why was your sword not covered in the infidels blood that day???:err:
School + Zero Tolerance + Patriot Act = Me not being able to uphold justice.

J-Dubya 777 said:
Maybe it was the George Michael sticker on your guitar case? :lol:

Oh definitely.:Smug:
I hope everyone's done arguing about metal, I guess nobody paid attention to my post back there. :erk:

Anyway, I saw a kid with a Cannibal Corpse keychain. He wasn't violent or anything. It made me happy to see a kid who actually likes metal in my school. :D
coolsnow7 said:
I think it is the destiny of every true metalhead to lack female attention. Thus he must soldier on, single, trying to bring the greatness of metal to the masses...

Or maybe we all end up just being prog nerds with long hair and no lives.

I see the same shit all over the world - actually, I don't have such problems now, but some of my friends, some guyes are even 30 - and long, long hair, laugh at themselves - that is destiny - if you are the metalhead - you are lost for society. :erk: Don't be upset, music is the power - money is the slave :headbang:
ok, this is one shit-thread...
this belongs to the 'WTF'-thread, really...
if someone blames your music style, then you have the right to kill him. Beat the shit out of him... if it's a girl, then carefully explain to her that her statement was insulting and that you think she must respect your opinion. If the girl is ugly, or full of shit... kill her anyway.

there are things happening and people start searching stupid reasons... music styles, video games (!)
They don't want to see that it's the task of the parents to raise their childs...
And someday we will be really pissed and then...
"It's a revolution..." :heh:

Ptah Khnemu said:
School + Zero Tolerance + Patriot Act = Me not being able to uphold justice.
shoot some guys... you'll be suspended, yeah, but at least you'll have a good reason :lol: