Listening to metal = Agressive personality?

Yngvai X said:
Then why does every band LOOK AND SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME?
MrFast said:
Totally Pwned by Matt.
Matt didn't just PWN him. Matt Moliti Pwned Alteredmindeath IN DA FACE!!

Alteredmindeath said:
I expected this on a symphony X forum anyway, I am quoting a black metalers comments about the "fuck you" attitude.... if it sounds childish to you ...O well doesnt bug me. Their are bands in every metal genre that sound the same, not just black metal, there are good ones, bad ones, and posers but always find some good ones in there.
But the bands that sound like clones of the original bands don't get as much credit, because they didn't do anything to develop their own sound. And if they do recieve credit, it's usually credit that they don't deserve.
Because they Don't. Each band has every single song of theirs sound exactly the same.
Alteredmindeath said:
I expected this on a symphony X forum anyway

Hahahaha, like this is supposed to reflect that Symphony X fans are too pussy for "extreme" bands or something? Did you happen to check some of the recent bands in my list? I wouldn't exactly call Cryptopsy, SYL, or Decapitated easy listening.

Yes theres bands in every genre that sound the same, but I don't hear powermetal bands, for example, touting "non conformity" in their genre description, and (depending on the band) if I did, I'd laugh at that too. And yes, there are bands in just about every genre that are good, however, it seems that whenever I find a blackmetal band that piques my interest, I'm told they're not "tr00 BLACK METAL!111!" so I've just come to the conclusion that there is no merit in the genre.
Alteredmindeath said:
I expected this on a symphony X forum anyway, I am quoting a black metalers comments about the "fuck you" attitude.... if it sounds childish to you ...O well doesnt bug me. Their are bands in every metal genre that sound the same, not just black metal, there are good ones, bad ones, and posers but always find some good ones in there.

its people like you that give black metal fans a bad name....
War_Blade said:
its people like you that give black metal fans a bad name....
Actually i kind of agree with him. I know matt is on his high horse pretending like he knows everything about metal, but the fact is i expected it too. People here value production over feeling, that's just the way it is.

and again matt, i am going to say that no, you don't understand black metal. Yeah, some of it is primitive and raw, but look at fuckin' motorhead. Primitive and raw rock n' roll. You've got bands like Emperor and Wolves in the Throne Room who have rather complex and beautiful compositions that still manage to be heavy and brutal. I'm not trying to convince you, i'm just saying it's rather ignorant to be spouting off that black metal takes no talent and so on and so forth. There are bands in every genre that are talentless hacks, and yes BM has many of them. So does power metal, thrash, death, prog, etc. etc. You think i'm going to judge all power metal based on Avian, or all prog based on... well i don't like prog as it is so i guess that's neither here nor there :lol:

Point is, no matter how confident you want to sound in your own little oppinion and degrading the genre, it's still a valid genre and there is still a LOT of great black metal bands. Just because they don't fit into your little mold of what metal "should" sound like (whatever the fuck that means anyway) doesn't mean it isn't good stuff.
I'm rather curious as to what Noah has to say about Matt Moliti doing the Pwning. :lol:
Alteredmindeath said:
Black metal is for people that stand up for their individual beliefs, and stay strong on their opinions regardless of what others think. Black metal is not about conforming, or trying to impress its about saying "Fuck you, fuck off im glad I pissed you off ,and Im glad you hate us". So Im glad black metal is not a huge trend, Im glad many hate this genre because if it did become super popular it would not be black metal.
I thought about something just now. You know what rant this sounds literally exactly like?

"PUNK is for people that stand up for their individual beliefs, and stay strong on their opinions regardless of what others think. PUNK is not about conforming, or trying to impress its about saying "Fuck you, fuck off im glad I pissed you off ,and Im glad you hate us". So Im glad black metal is not a huge trend, Im glad many hate this genre because if it did become super popular it would not be PUNK."
DoomsdayZach said:
Point is, no matter how confident you want to sound in your own little oppinion and degrading the genre, it's still a valid genre and there is still a LOT of great black metal bands. Just because they don't fit into your little mold of what metal "should" sound like (whatever the fuck that means anyway) doesn't mean it isn't good stuff.

Yeah, and just like someone who listens to pop music is going to say theres lots of great pop music and its a valid genre, etc. I don't care. There is nothing to "understand" about blackmetal. Its not some deep artform, or its not even like SYL, which is a satire on metal in and of itself that would require someone to have a deeper understanding behind what Devin is trying to do with the music of SYL in order to "get it." Motorhead still has semblence of melody, not to mention they don't wear KISS makeup and run around proclaiming how evil they are.

And I know theres talentless hacks in every genre. The problem though, is that the most talentless hacks in powermetal STILL have more talent than the most talentless hacks in blackmetal. Because even shitty powermetal still requires the ability to compose a melody and sing, and play cohesively and with some amount of precision.

I don't need to be an expert to form an opinion on this kind of music either. I've heard a great deal of it. I even read that Lords of Chaos book. I even wrote some shitty ass blackmetal songs for fun. I think thats more than enough experience with it to form a valid and opinionated argument against why I think its the bottom of the barrel of metal.
Not until we move onto my little piece of the Pwnage pie :D:
Ptah Khnemu said:
I thought about something just now. You know what rant this sounds literally exactly like?

"PUNK is for people that stand up for their individual beliefs, and stay strong on their opinions regardless of what others think. PUNK is not about conforming, or trying to impress its about saying "Fuck you, fuck off im glad I pissed you off ,and Im glad you hate us". So Im glad black metal is not a huge trend, Im glad many hate this genre because if it did become super popular it would not be PUNK."
Ptah Khnemu said:
I thought about something just now. You know what rant this sounds literally exactly like?

"PUNK is for people that stand up for their individual beliefs, and stay strong on their opinions regardless of what others think. PUNK is not about conforming, or trying to impress its about saying "Fuck you, fuck off im glad I pissed you off ,and Im glad you hate us". So Im glad black metal is not a huge trend, Im glad many hate this genre because if it did become super popular it would not be PUNK."
you can also replace punk or black metal with just "Metal" in general. yeah, generic arguement, but you can't use that as an excuse. In fact, metal has roots in punk. Most every early metal band was influenced by punk. Oh Nos!

Yngvai X said:
Yeah, and just like someone who listens to pop music is going to say theres lots of great pop music and its a valid genre, etc. I don't care.
And that could be argued for any genre. People tell me there's great prog and it's a valid genre, but i've yet to hear it. Doesn't mean i'm going to discount it completely. Also doesn't mean i have to like it.
Yngvai X said:
There is nothing to "understand" about blackmetal. Its not some deep artform,
Yes there is something to understand about black metal. I've already said this and explained why, i'm not doing the circular arguement.
Yngvai X said:
or its not even like SYL, which is a satire on metal in and of itself that would require someone to have a deeper understanding behind what Devin is trying to do with the music of SYL in order to "get it."
Just because you, the almighty Matt Moliti of Dark Empire have a boner for SYL doesn't make them this great band. In fact, every SYL disc i've heard is no more than a bunch of boring ass "riffs" thrown together in a hodge podge that is supposed to be genius. And for the record, i have listened to Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing, City, and SYL. I gave up after that, and no i'm not giving Alien or The New Black a try. Fuck that. give me Dark Funeral over SYL any day of the week.
Yngvai X said:
Motorhead still has semblence of melody, not to mention they don't wear KISS makeup and run around proclaiming how evil they are.
Once again, you can't look past production. Black metal has TONS of melody. And given the proper bands (there are lots of them), black metal has some fucking epic composition. Also, you haven't listened to enough black metal if you say it has really as shitty of production as you think. yes, i've heard some pretty crappy sounding discs, but i've also heard some that are great (not just talking about dimmu).
Yngvai X said:
And I know theres talentless hacks in every genre. The problem though, is that the most talentless hacks in powermetal STILL have more talent than the most talentless hacks in blackmetal.
Then you haven't heard some of the power metal out there. shit requires NO talent, just like shitty black metal requires no talent.
Yngvai X said:
Because even shitty powermetal still requires the ability to compose a melody and sing, and play cohesively and with some amount of precision.
I got ahead of myself. No it doesn't. Trust me on this one.
Yngvai X said:
I don't need to be an expert to form an opinion on this kind of music either. I've heard a great deal of it.
Congratulations. Want a cookie? The point is you're taking this past the point of oppinion. more on that later.
Yngvai X said:
I even read that Lords of Chaos book.
The Lords of Chaos book was stupid. It was just a bunch of anti-Varg propaganda. I'm not a big fan of the guy or any of his music, but i don't need 300+ pages on him being racist, faciest, nationalist, etc. etc. for me to dislike the dude.
Yngvai X said:
I even wrote some shitty ass blackmetal songs for fun.
yes, but your goal was to try to make them shitty and you were doing it because you had an hour to kill. how does that validate your arguement? I could write a shitty power metal song or thrash song given an hour and a tape recorder. That gives no credit to your arguement whatsoever.
Yngvai X said:
I think thats more than enough experience with it to form a valid and opinionated argument against why I think its the bottom of the barrel of metal.
No it doesn't because you can't quantify such things. My problem is that you are saying that without a doubt, no arguement to it, BM sucks and everything about it sucks and there's no other answer. You aren't right, just like i'm not right if i say prog sucks and it is the bottom of the barrel of metal. I can accept an oppinion, but you're trying to take this past the point of oppinion and state it as fact, and that i have a big problem with. Oh well, have fun continuing to think you're the king's shit because you have a cd. I'm going to go eat pizza.