Listening to metal = Agressive personality?

I would say that I am opinionated and driven, but not an aggressive, mean person. Like almost any genre, a metal "lifestyle" can be taken to a dangerous extreme, but it needn't be.
i fall asleep to death metal (when I want to) so no, metal is not agression for me. it is calming. any genre of music has the same effect on me- song energy fuses with my energy to amplify my mood, whatever it may be.

depressing music makes me happy, and black metal can be soothing. for another rebuke on the initial proposition, some of the up-tempo (and classical) bands/composers i listen to can be quite dark lyrically (thematically for classical) while maintaining poppy musical atmospheres. A great example of this aspect would be Third Eye Blind, a rock band who 'made it big' on an upbeat poppy song... about crystal meth and loss of identity. their next single? about suicide. and after that? life in the ghetto, or how about the one about unexpected parenthood? beneath the surface, they've got deeper themes going on, and the frontman loves how they get away with it. so do i.
I listen to metal every single damn day, am I an angry person? no Im more depressed then most should be, but thats just the lack of female attention :cry:
goth_fiend said:
I listen to metal every single damn day, am I an angry person? no Im more depressed then most should be, but thats just the lack of female attention :cry:

I hear u brother. Metal has turned me into a music nerd, and it has me gripped to tightly that I dont even KNOW any decent females since i'm always musicing around at home. And if I find some chick who moves me the same way the odyssey does, then that shall be a glorious day :lol:.
Eternal Dragon said:
I hear u brother. Metal has turned me into a music nerd, and it has me gripped to tightly that I dont even KNOW any decent females since i'm always musicing around at home. And if I find some chick who moves me the same way the odyssey does, then that shall be a glorious day :lol:.

I dont understand it, I mean I have the hot car, I play guitar, I have the long hair, I should be fighting the women off me! :lol: oh well, there is that whole music whore thing...:lol:
goth fiend said:
I listen to metal every single damn day, am I an angry person? no Im more depressed then most should be, but thats just the lack of female attention

I've commented on such things before, and I shall again but umm.. are chicks around you blind or just stupid? :loco:
i get plenty of male attention i guess.. but its pretty much all unwanted males.. guys i find attractive almost always have gf's :( its probably that they dont give off the 'desperate' vibe that single guys do that is appealing.. i would never try and steal a guy who has a gf tho, so single i remain..
Rather like George Michael I think the theory swings both ways; your initial mood will influence your choice and then your choice will influence your mood. As for falling asleep to death metal and feeling good once listening to doom or whatever I'd consider that fucked up but we're all a little fucked up now aren't we.

Myself I like nothing better than poncing around in my ruby silk dressing gown with pipe and slippers ensemble to read a copy of the financial times amidst a roaring open fireplace with a little Beethoven in the background. How bourgeoisie. Would that work listening to Cannibal Corpse? Bollocks it would. I think it's part of the 'contrary complex' prog-snobs tend to accumulate to separate themselves from the rats and mice, we're such elitist bastards really.
goth_fiend said:
I listen to metal every single damn day, am I an angry person? no Im more depressed then most should be, but thats just the lack of female attention :cry:
SilentRealm said:
i get plenty of male attention i guess.. but its pretty much all unwanted males.. guys i find attractive almost always have gf's its probably that they dont give off the 'desperate' vibe that single guys do that is appealing.. i would never try and steal a guy who has a gf tho, so single i remain..
You mean the whole desperate thing actually works? Goddamnit, if onky I was actually like that!!
SilentRealm said:
i get plenty of male attention i guess.. but its pretty much all unwanted males.. guys i find attractive almost always have gf's :( its probably that they dont give off the 'desperate' vibe that single guys do that is appealing.. i would never try and steal a guy who has a gf tho, so single i remain..

Wha?? That doesnt make much sense. You said u dig the taken ones, then u say that desperate = appealing. Which one is it!!!! I might need to know that tomorrow...... but its not likely, haha.
Eternal Dragon said:
Wha?? That doesnt make much sense. You said u dig the taken ones, then u say that desperate = appealing. Which one is it!!!! I might need to know that tomorrow...... but its not likely, haha.
She is saying she finds it appealing when a man doesn't give off the desperate vibe, which is why she finds the guys with gfs attractive. As they do not give of the desperate vibe, since they are taken, she believes she is attracted to it.

At least I hope so, that way I don't look like a complete fool :)
Oh ok.

Back on topic.... Lately, I've been listening to The Eedge Of Forever, Candlelight Fantasia and Communion and the Oracle alot, and I've been wanting to just sit home and relax alot. There's a deeper meaning to it, but that part is a bit personal. I just thought that this little tidbit would contribute to the topic at hand.
Mind over matter is what matters. I was listening to Pantera in the car the other day and my friend was like "how can you listen to this shit in traffic? It'd make me want to kill someone." Of course music can have an effect on your mood, but I don't let my emotions take control. It's not like everytime I listen to a love song I cry or if I listen to Pantera, then I want to beat someone up or something.
I believe that just as much as I believe that video games encourage violence, considering I'm a big fan of both and I'm the least aggressive person you'll ever meet (just ask Matt :p).
I think its definitely the person to begin with, cos I get fucking crazy when I listen to metal and also I go fucking crazy listening to HVK playing Beethoven.
So its the person not the music.
SilentRealm said:
I've commented on such things before, and I shall again but umm.. are chicks around you blind or just stupid? :loco:
the phenomena is more widespread than initially projected. it's the same way here.

...although there was one time where about 10 girls wanted me. too bad they were all airheads :erk: