Literature on Positive Thinking

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Any good books on how to teach me to be less of an asshole?!? I'm constantly surrounded by negative energy and need to stop being judgemental towards the people I work with.

I need to exorcise the demons! :Shedevil:
Just stop. It works for me. If I realise I'm being an asshole or something else, then I stop doing it because I don't want to continue being like this. I know you're smart enough to do this, so just fucking stop.
I've been trying to stop with the asshole-ness. So far, it's harder than I thought it would be, but I'm doing pretty well.
Yea a smack would be nice. It's just difficult to show restraint when you have someone in your face saying "Hey did you hear about so and so, he called in today sobbing over the phone saying he can't make it in because of boils."

Or, "Hey did you hear that what's her face went to management to drop a dime on so and so?"

For 8 hours a day every day.

The only positive route is to not express your feelings, even if you agree that the person in question is a dip shit. At the end of the day you're there to do a job, not belittle some shlub whose ass you don't know from Adam. This is something that I must remind myself on a daily basis.
work in a gossipy environment eh? well my advice is to give totally noncommittal responses (a grunt will suffice) every time people come to you with their latest tidbits, and then after a while once people realize you're no fun to gossip to they'll come less frequently.
Sounds a bit like my place. I lost my temper a little with all the bitching that goes on there some time last month, and in the middle of one of the girls complaining about the line manager for the fortieth time that day, she said something like 'You must be fed up of hearing me go on about it', and I just went 'Well, yeah, since you don't do anything about your problems with her, like, say, talk about your greivances with her in a professional manner, or failing that, going to the regional manager and trying to resolve the situation officially, you just keep interrupting me while I'm working and making me as miserable as you are.'

Haven't heard too much bitching lately.

Mainly because that girl quit last week.
this girl had been complaining to me about one of our co-workers, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I said, "Why are you telling me this? Go tell one of the managers or talk to her yourself. Complaining to me doesn't solve things." And then one of the other ladies by me said, "That's what we women do. We have to vent."

lame shit excuse for unwillingness to take the initiative to fix a problem.
Seriously Jerry, look up some Buddhist stuff. It has done wonders for a certain formerly-depressed, now-institutionalized friend of mine. I'll ask her for some recommendations next time I speak to her. You don't have to buy the entire ideology, as I surely fucking don't, but even so there is a lot to take out of it - very positive stuff.
Seriously Jerry, look up some Buddhist stuff. It has done wonders for a certain formerly-depressed, now-institutionalized friend of mine. I'll ask her for some recommendations next time I speak to her. You don't have to buy the entire ideology, as I surely fucking don't, but even so there is a lot to take out of it - very positive stuff.

Q4T - and I can relate....wholeheartedly.
work in a gossipy environment eh? well my advice is to give totally noncommittal responses (a grunt will suffice) every time people come to you with their latest tidbits, and then after a while once people realize you're no fun to gossip to they'll come less frequently.

I actually lol'd at this. Probably because grunting is my preferred technique. I cant tell you how many times a day I grunt at some dumb hillbilly what-I-saw-on-tv story.