Little Classic Metal Quiz

Katana Overlord said:
I didn't think Jason Becker played with DLR, I know he was supposed to but didn't the disease he has incapacitate him before he could actually perform?

And the answer to my question was Piledriver. Although technically speaking David Defeis didn't play on the album, but eh did help write it.

Jason plays on David's "A Little Ain't Enough" CD.
StevieHimself said:

1. Which two guitarists were almost in David Lee Roth's solo band before it went to Steve Vai?
2. Who was Soundgarden's original drummer?
3. Tony Iommi briefly left Sabbath to join what band in 1968, and then obviously came back?
4. What was the original name of Slayer?
5. Michael Angelo Batio played guitar in what band before Nitro?

WOW, I stumped quite a few of are the answers:
1. Yngwie Malmsteen was up for the gig first, then Steve Stevens. Since Stevens was busy w/Billy Idol, he recommended Vai for the gig.
2. Chris Cornell was the original drummer for Soundgarden! He also sang behind the kit but then was later coerced into being the frontman.
3. Jethro Tull
4. Dragonslayer
5. Holland
Okay I think you all want more questions...ready?

1. What was Meshuggah's original band name?
2. What band did Warrel Dane sing in before joining Sanctuary?
3. Who was Ronnie James' Dio's original choice for lead guitarist after he left Sabbath to go solo?
4. What do Racer X and Judas Priest have in common?
StevieHimself said:
Okay I think you all want more questions...ready?

1. What was Meshuggah's original band name?
2. What band did Warrel Dane sing in before joining Sanctuary?
3. Who was Ronnie James' Dio's original choice for lead guitarist after he left Sabbath to go solo?
4. What do Racer X and Judas Priest have in common?

3. JAKE E LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. They both own?
StevieHimself said:
Okay I think you all want more questions...ready?

1. What was Meshuggah's original band name?
2. What band did Warrel Dane sing in before joining Sanctuary?
3. Who was Ronnie James' Dio's original choice for lead guitarist after he left Sabbath to go solo?
4. What do Racer X and Judas Priest have in common?

2.Serpent's Knight
3. Frank Stallone
4. Scott Travis
StevieHimself said:
Okay I think you all want more questions...ready?

1. What was Meshuggah's original band name?
2. What band did Warrel Dane sing in before joining Sanctuary?
3. Who was Ronnie James' Dio's original choice for lead guitarist after he left Sabbath to go solo?
4. What do Racer X and Judas Priest have in common?

Zzak got three out of four right...
JOHN SYKES was almost Dio's guitarist for the HOLY DIVER line-up. There's even a demo floating around.
Mr Blackwell said:
What very famous band featured three Pauls, but only one's known as Paul, although it's not his real name?

You wanted the best, you got the best! The hottest band in the land...

Ace is Paul Frehley.
Paul Stanley is Stanley Eisen.
Eric Carr is Paul Carravello (I had to look that one up). RIP

Good question!
Trevor Lane said:
Who do Megadeth and Slayer have in commmon?

Who do Ozzy and Quiet Riot have in common?

and 3rd and final

What was Iron Maiden's original lineup (it does not include Paul Di'Anno)?
1. Kerry King
2. Rudy Sarzo and Randy Rhoads
3.Paul Day: Vox
Terry Rance: Guitar
Dave Sullivan: Guitar
Steve Harris: Bass
Ron Mathews: Drums
Katana Overlord said:
1. Kerry King
2. Rudy Sarzo and Randy Rhoads
3.Paul Day: Vox
Terry Rance: Guitar
Dave Sullivan: Guitar
Steve Harris: Bass
Ron Mathews: Drums

All correct (I didn't know about Rudy Sarzo playing with Ozzy though).

Here's another three for the Maiden fans:

What band were Steve Harris and Doug Samson in before Maiden?

What band members were in both Maiden and Samson?

3 pt: Who sold Adrian Smith his first guitar?
Describe it?
What did Adrian do with it later?

Have fun.
Force10 said:
Rudy Sarzo played on Ozzy's Speak Of The Devil live album. A good next question (after these Maiden ones) would be to name the drummer and guitarist on that album.

I think the drummer is Tommy Aldridge. The guitarist is none other than Brad Gillis, the man who would be lost without his wammy bar! He was the second best guitarist in one of the worst groups of ALL TIME: Night Ranger!

Quick Ozzy story: When Randy Rhodes was in Chicago, he needed some work done on one of his guitars. He went to the place where I took guitar lessons back in high school. The guy who did the work, Jim, later went to work for Peavey corporate. Anyway, Randy let him backstage and he recorded the concert! I was going to buy a double tape deck (this was in like 1983 or 1984), put an ad in Hit Parader, run off copies and make some cash! However, between my $3.35 an hour job at Sizzler and my rather large beer consumption, I just never could swing the paper. Anyway, I still have the tape. It sounds almost exactly like "Tribute." Anyone know where "Tribute" was recorded at? I never could find it on the CD.

And thus concludes my "Three degrees of seperation with Randy Rhodes" story!