Little help with getting a new rig


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
I've been a vocalist for about five bands over the past few years, and as such I've dealt with various equipment: the problem though is that I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to upgrading/buying new gear.

I first started out about 4 years with this:
Kustom One

It wasn't that powerful, and has been broken for about...4 years :lol:

So next I got this:
Kustom II

Now, I would like to be playing live at least by the very end of the summer, but I need new speakers and a suggestion for monitors. Should I get self powered ones or ones that are powered by the pa system itself? What range should they be? How many? Should I buy a separate eq? Should I get a pore powerful pa system (higher than 200w)? I ask that last question because I've been told that 200-300 is fine for a pa system because amplification also depends on speaker set-up. but...this also comes from "less than reliable sources"...

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Just for band practice, my band runs an 1800W PA system with two 15 cabs, and two 18 cabs. I wish I had a little more power and a couple more 15s, just so we could get a little better bass from the drums and keys.

We have used the PA live, and for a smaller show it works great. Except, of course, it has no monitors.

It cost me $2200.

Most places supply their own PA system, so you don't have to worry about it.
Yeah, but I need a decent one to practice - for the last two months I've been using a guitar amp with a shitty vocal jack. It just doesn't have the power needed to project any vocal ability (and it picks up all other instruments too....causing a nice massive feedback loop).

Can you rec any brands or systems that would be good for practicing? I really don't want to waste a bunch of money on something that won't cut it.