What is a good PA System for my needs?


New Metal Member
May 3, 2013
I am working on starting a metal band where I will be vocals doing both screams and growls. I am in the process of getting equipment and will soon get an SM58 mic. However I don't know anything when it comes to the kind of pa system I need. What kind of specs should I be looking for? I talked to a worker at a music store who told me $1200 would be enough for a good system other than that I'm in the dark. I also am wondering if something like a
Behringer Europower PMP4000 Powered Mixer - 16 Channels, 1600 Watts with Multi-FX Processor and FBQ Feedback Detection System
Behringer EUROPOWER PMP2000 800-Watt 10-Channel Powered
would be adiquate. Is wattage the main thing I should be looking for or is there just a good pa system that would suite my needs? Also any info on speakers that anyone would recommend is most welcome... thanks for your help in advance!