Little known fact about Dan


New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2007
Here's a little known fact about Dan...............................................................................................................

He is, in fact, Jewish.

Mazal Tov:lol:

@jimbob: there is a jewish community in's pretty small, about 10 thousend people but it exists.
I used to serve in the army with a girl(obviously jewish) from sweden
her father's name is surprisingly Peter Lindgren(what are the odds)...I thought it was incredibly funny. she got an opeth cd for her birthday
Here's a little known fact about Dan...............................................................................................................

He is, in fact, Jewish.

Yeah. Very likely. :rolleyes: I wonder why some people enjoy starting these kinds of threads.

Mazal Tov:lol:

@jimbob: there is a jewish community in's pretty small, about 10 thousend people but it exists.
I used to serve in the army with a girl(obviously jewish) from sweden
her father's name is surprisingly Peter Lindgren(what are the odds)...I thought it was incredibly funny. she got an opeth cd for her birthday
Heh. Yeah. I remember you mentioning that on this board earlier. Funny indeed.
when i was a n00b...

He probably mixed up and got here instead of the Vintersorg forum
coz as we all know the Vintersorg forum is a trolska utopi:lol:
it's not easy being the only jew in the village
Ah! I have never watched it, but now that you said that, I do recognize him, we have Little Britain DVD's for rental at the video store I work at and he is on the cover of the box!!!

funniest british comedy ever
it has a bit with the guy who played Giles in buffy as the british prime minister who has a gay assistant by the name of sebastian