Little problem.. solo recorded mono on the left, trying to get it on the right...

Jun 2, 2005
Hehe.. weird problem, probably missing something easy or it is impossible to do, dont know.. better if i ask you lads.

Here's the problemo... i have a solo that is recorded mono on the left, around 90% panned left, and im trying to get this solo on the right.. around 70/80% panned right.

So is it possible to actually get this mono recorded solo on the left, to go the right side?
Thanks guys.. but sadly it's not as simple as pan control, the mono file is recorded hard left, and i cant switch it to the right side.. it completely loses volume then..
I could however open a mono track, import it on that and pan it then i hope, if not.. re-recording will be done even though there are only 3 days left for the deadline.. aahhh! ;)
A) Open the pool (POOL > OPEN POOL WINDOW), right click the track, choose convert files and choose "mono"
B) Re-import the file (FILE > IMPORT > AUDIOFILE), choose "split channels"
C) Create a new mono track (PROJECT > ADD TRACK > AUDIO) and put the stereofile onto that monotrack
D) Rightclick on the panner and choose "Stereo Dual Panner"