Little test, what do ya think?

I like the tone. Pretty sure it's a modeler of some kind. Maybe Revalver mkii?

Edit: Seems like i wasn't quick enough, Tymon.... you already posted the answer. Seems like i was half right though... i don't understand though... for what reason you used revalver other than the cab sim since the distortion comes from the VG-88?
Nothing special with the settings. I used the 5150 and Rectifier Orange sims on the VG-88, almost all settings around 50 (12 o clock), used a Tube Screamer in front. Then in Revalver I used the Kitty poweramp, doesn't add a lot but it sounded better nonetheless, for a cab sim I used 2 of Keiffer's impulses pack (18b-v4-4x12-v30_57nx-421.wav and 57 +3_00.wav, my 2 favorites).

I think this is one of the best modeled metal tones I got uptil now, and I didn't even use any EQ or compression or whatever on the guitar sound yet. It was done quite fast. Does anyone here own the GT-8? I wonder if the modeling sounds better then the GT-6.