Also tried some "cab convolution" today.

Well, to be honest I made those patches in only 20 seconds so they won't sound better then yours I guess. Another thing is that the device used is a Roland VG-88, but it uses GT6 modeling so I think you have the same settings. Anyways, the settings are:

amp: metal 5150
volume: 10
presence: 0
master: 50
bass: 41
middle: 46
treble: 37
gain: normal
no cab sim

amp: r-fier orange
volume: 32
presence: 28
master: 50
bass: 49
middle: 55
treble: 53
gain: normal

I think it can sound much better then what I did in this clip with some time and patience.

then might have to do with the impulse, i tried once to plg it in a freq analyser, confirmed exactly what i tought, with the cab sims on, nothing passes the 8khz. anyway, i'll give it a shot tonight or tomorrow morning
I've simply have to Google this GT6... don't know what it is?

EDIT: The Boss board??

Well... anywhooo... tried the impulses on some recordings of mine... and damn... this is the first time it sounded good... really good!
Don't understand how people can get this kind of sound from the xt, I have a xt myself and I downloaded the patches and the impulses, don't sound anything like your sound. Nice job by the way, sounds wicked!
It's all in the wrists. The man can play! :heh:

Yes he seems like a talented guitarplayer. But I think I should be able to create something that sounds good with the patches, otherwise I've been playing guitar in various metal bands for 15 years for nothing :erk:
hands, strings, picks, room temperature, whether you dress left or right, it's all relative....

Even if you disregarding the variables listed above, I've still never even seen two people play through exactly the same rig and sound the same. I've also never had anyone elses POD patches sound the same for me. I've had much better luck investing the time in endlessly tweaking my own....
Well I tried out your patches with my toneport, adding in the tube screamer via gearbox. No luck whatsoever, sounded like shite haha. I wonder how much an actually hardware TS adds to that sound. Anyway, all I could get was some high pitched shite lol. Nice sound you got there man.

Just wanted to add to this. I'm using the toneport too (ux2)... with the metal fx pack... I got the patches, and the reverb, (using them through waves IR), and I just CAN'T seem to get rid of a buzzing sound. It sounds pretty alright with a cabinet selected, (say 4x12 2001 line6), but when I have "no cabinet" selected, and I'm playing through my convolution reverb... it suddenly goes all buzzy. It's like I can hear the real nice tone the impulse is supposed to give me, but it's just drowned out by this awful buzz. I'm convinced I'm doing something wrong and it shouldn't sound like this. I'm pretty sure I have the IR set up ok... I think it's gearbox and the way it sounds as soon as you select "no cabinet". Any ideas?! Am I missing something? I know it's not a podxt, but a ux2 with the add-on packs should be the same?!

Thanks in advance for any help whatsoever!
Man I'm a knob... I spend all night trying to figure this frickin' thing out... give up... end up posting to this forum to find an answer... then like 10 seconds later I figure it out :goggly:

I've come to 2 conclusions....

1) I'm an idiot

2) impulse reverb kicks ass!!:rock:
Man I'm a knob... I spend all night trying to figure this frickin' thing out... give up... end up posting to this forum to find an answer... then like 10 seconds later I figure it out :goggly:

I've come to 2 conclusions....

1) I'm an idiot

2) impulse reverb kicks ass!!:rock:

For other people who might be having the same problem, can you tell us what the answer was?
Yeah... the buzz was coming from direct monitor... soon as I turned that all the way down, I could hear the good tone coming from my DAW, which I then cranked up. If anyone has the same problem, and the above explanation doesn't help, just send me a PM via this board.
Finally I have found the way to play with impulse in real time (input echo). Unfortunatelly at the moment I have a shitty creative 512 and there is a little latency of what I play and what I ear...
So, with a Presonus Firepod, could I play in real time with no problems? Anyone of you use real time impulses with firepod?
Yeah I use a firepod, but as far as I know our computers are not fast enough to process convolution technology in realtime yet. I just put some EQ with a lowpass on the track when recording and replaced that by the convolution plugin.