I know there's fan's of Jeff Loomis, his tone, etc...so I thought I'd post this here. Plus, if you want to know what things like a Mesa Dual Recto, Mesa triaxis, Mesa Mark IV, etc...sound like, you've got some album where they were used exclusively! Here's a summary of all the info collected, and everything is 100% accurate so far, coming from Neil Kernon and Andy Sneap. If you have anything to add, please chime in here:
Nevermore (Self Titled):
Solid State Head Unit (Exact Model Unknown - Owned by Jeff at the Time)
Unknown 4X12 Cab with Celestion Speakers (Exact Model Unkown)
Politics of Ecstacy:
Mesa Boogie Mark IV Head Unit
Unknown 4X12 Cab with Celestion Speakers (Exact Model Unknown)
Dreaming Neon Black:
Mesa Boogie Triaxis Preamp
Mesa Boogie 2:90 Simul-Class Power Amp
Unknown 4X12 Cab with Celestion Vintage 30 Speakers
On all the albums with Neil Kernon, there were 4 tracks of rhythm recorded, and primarily a Shure SM-57 or Sennheiser 421 was used.
ESP & Custom Built 7 string guitars loaded with EMG 707 pickups. The guitars were routed into a Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer that was used as a signal boost. The settings on the TS-9 were:
Drive: 9 O'Clock
Tone: 10 O'Clock
Level: 12 O'Clock
This was fed into the amp that was used on all of the rhythm and leads. The amp used was a Mesa Boogie (2 Channel) Dual Rectifier that was straight from the box. The Mesa Recto was routed into a Marshall 1960B 4X12 Cab with the stock 75 Celestions they have. Settings on the Mesa Recto were:
Silicon Diode Setting
Bold Setting
Red (Modern) Channel
Treble: 11.30
Mids: 10 O'Clock
Bass: 11.30
Gain: 12:30
Presence: 12.30
Master: 10 O'Clock
There were 4 tracks of rhythm, with 2 tracks being panned 100% left and right, and the other set being panned 80% left and right. There was no compression, limiting, etc...only a slight touch of EQ used. Two Shure SM-57's were used for recording, one on the center of the cone about an inch away. This was the approximate's denoted by Andy Sneap previously.
7 String guitars loaded with EMG 707 pickups
Ibanez Tube Screamer TS-9 (Se Similar to Above)
Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
That's the best compilation I've seen so far. If anyone wants to make corrections, feel free, but I think it's all pretty accurate. I'm assuming it's gonna be the Peavey Triple X on the new album when tracking starts in February. Guess we'll have to wait and see...
Nevermore (Self Titled):
Solid State Head Unit (Exact Model Unknown - Owned by Jeff at the Time)
Unknown 4X12 Cab with Celestion Speakers (Exact Model Unkown)
Politics of Ecstacy:
Mesa Boogie Mark IV Head Unit
Unknown 4X12 Cab with Celestion Speakers (Exact Model Unknown)
Dreaming Neon Black:
Mesa Boogie Triaxis Preamp
Mesa Boogie 2:90 Simul-Class Power Amp
Unknown 4X12 Cab with Celestion Vintage 30 Speakers
On all the albums with Neil Kernon, there were 4 tracks of rhythm recorded, and primarily a Shure SM-57 or Sennheiser 421 was used.
ESP & Custom Built 7 string guitars loaded with EMG 707 pickups. The guitars were routed into a Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer that was used as a signal boost. The settings on the TS-9 were:
Drive: 9 O'Clock
Tone: 10 O'Clock
Level: 12 O'Clock
This was fed into the amp that was used on all of the rhythm and leads. The amp used was a Mesa Boogie (2 Channel) Dual Rectifier that was straight from the box. The Mesa Recto was routed into a Marshall 1960B 4X12 Cab with the stock 75 Celestions they have. Settings on the Mesa Recto were:
Silicon Diode Setting
Bold Setting
Red (Modern) Channel
Treble: 11.30
Mids: 10 O'Clock
Bass: 11.30
Gain: 12:30
Presence: 12.30
Master: 10 O'Clock
There were 4 tracks of rhythm, with 2 tracks being panned 100% left and right, and the other set being panned 80% left and right. There was no compression, limiting, etc...only a slight touch of EQ used. Two Shure SM-57's were used for recording, one on the center of the cone about an inch away. This was the approximate's denoted by Andy Sneap previously.
7 String guitars loaded with EMG 707 pickups
Ibanez Tube Screamer TS-9 (Se Similar to Above)
Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
That's the best compilation I've seen so far. If anyone wants to make corrections, feel free, but I think it's all pretty accurate. I'm assuming it's gonna be the Peavey Triple X on the new album when tracking starts in February. Guess we'll have to wait and see...