LIVE footage of FALCONER at Wacken Open Air

Pretty good setlist too!!

Halls and Chambers
A Quest for the Crown
Locust Swarm
Enter the Glade
Catch the Shadows
Upon the Grave of Guilt
Royal Galley
Age of Runes
The Clarion Call
No disrespect meant to the band, but they were probably the weakest set I saw of any decent sized bands at Wacken. Their performance was spot on, but the band has no stage presence. Mathias is very awkward between songs, which became even more obvious when they had tech problems. I can't blame them for having tech problems, but I compare it to the band who played a little before them (Angra) who also was having tech problems with their bass player, and those guys were definitely more professional about it, as they continued on without awkward pauses.

With that said, I know a lot of you guys are bigger Falconer fans than I am, so you'll likely enjoy it more than I did. It was still a good set, but it didn't hold up to the other bands. Perhaps they're better in a smaller setting.