Live From MDF 2011

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007




Hey everybody, sitting around right now in the hotel with Grant, Kevin, and Dan. I just saw Avulsed and Cianide. Avulsed were pretty sick. I like their second album a lot and they played one song from that so that was cool. Cianide were cool. I'm not really familiar with any of their albums but they sounded good live. I probably wouldn't buy any of their albums though.

This shit has been a whole lot crazier than it was last year. I arrived at about 8:00 on Thursday and immediately starting drinking. Thursday night this year was way more fun than it was last year. I fell asleep before everybody else, though.

Last night Marduk played. They put on a great show even though I dislike a lot of their albums. They played one song from Opus Nocturne and one from Those of the Unlight iirc. So that was pretty sick.

Fucking last night after the show was ridiculous. I think all of us in the 21+ room didn't go to bed until about 7 am, largely because of some French Canadian guys who did not want to leave. I don't know how they ended up in our room.

I haven't been accosted by too many colored people this year, but it is still the case that no fucking fast food place in Baltimore knows what the fuck air conditioning is. It is humid and hot as fuck out here but when you walk into a Burger King or something it's like twice as bad.

It's been pretty cool hanging out with everybody and there have been copious amounts of drunken bromantic moments. You fuckers are missing out.
I wish I was there with you lads, sounds like a fucking manly time. Grant, be sure to violently crush some poseur skulls for me.
zabu of nΩd;9839196 said:
Alex get the fuck over here

Bitch idont give a fuck. Inquisition in 10 minutes and im about to own some posers. Fuck off

Inquisition rules!!!! They fucking rule live, especially with the newer doomy type stuff.

Wish I could be there. Might happen next year. Why don't you fucks make it to Rites of Darkness in December. That's where I'm gonna be. 4 words: EVOKEN and MORTUARY DRAPE!!!
Hey all, cookiecutter checking in,

I'm chilling at the room with Grant and Chris now. This has been one of the best MDFs ever. I just saw Wormed and Last Days of Humanity back to back and my mind has been blown. Wormed was perhaps the best live music experience of my life and LDOH was nearly as good. Defeated Sanity was also awesome.

This year has featured a lot of great bromantic male bonding moments too. Turns out me and Cythraul/Chris agree on more political things than I thought. Peoria crew are cool as hell as I've come to expect.

I'll have pics up either tomorrow or Tuesday, both on the forum and on facebook.
Fuck you guys, I shall make it out next year once I get my passport and a means to get to maryland..... DONT PUSSY OUT ON ME YOU FUCKS