Live From MDF 2011

zabu of nΩd;9841296 said:
man what a final day. everyone in our room ended up sleeping on the floor last night because i single-handedly urinated on both beds and part of the floor. i think i'll try partying a little less hard next year

This sounds like it has a hilarious back story

Fucking weekend of my life. Cam here, checkin' in after the insanity... and Checkin' in for good!

I'd like to fill out a missed connection...
You: Had dreads, aviators, a patch vest, glittery eye make up, denim short-shorts, and a pink tattoo of an ejaculating penis with wings.
Me: Talking to K. Lloyd
When? 5AM
Where? Outside Tremont

We should meet up and you should teach me the black arts. You know, "What kind of black metal are we talking about?"
I'm planning on going next year. Hopefully I'll be on my own and my parents won't be able to stop me.
Back in Boston after driving back with cookiecutter and mutantllama, the latter of whom is chilling with me here for the night till he goes back to Maine tomorrow.

So...uh, wow guys.

This MDF was the fucking best yet and this was the year I really made the most of my experience. Did a lot of drinking but managed to avoid puking and hangovers by drinking water and not being certain other people.

I got up front row for a lot of bands and rocked out hard. It felt so good to let loose.

Yeah, some fucked up shit happened having not little to do with either psychotropic substances or a couple other things. We really raised the bar for what we fuckers are capable of in terms of bad decisions and it can only be raised higher next time. But we're all alive so no regrets, I guess.

I can't stress enough how awesome a time I had with all you guys. Guy, Chris, Schmidt, Jordan, Grant, Kevin, Dan, Dave and the others all delivered and we worked so much better as a social group this year than ever. I spent the whole weekend hanging out with lots of different people at a time and it felt so natural. It's like we just picked up where we left off. And the new people were awesome as well and I hope they come back next year.

To sum it up in two words: FUCK YEAH.
This weekend was too awesome for words. It was definitely better than last year as far as partying/socializing goes. It was great hanging with all the bros and uber-bros again as well as meeting the new people. Some stuff happened this weekend that was So many good moments.

Favorite sets: Dead Congregation, Wormed, Exhorder. Holy shit to all of those bands.

Disappointments: Coroner, my physical state during Inquisition (I was wiped out at that point so I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.)

Hopefully I can make it out there next year too.
Sounds like such an awesome time.... I really hope I can go next year. Well, I could've gone this year but the lineup wasn't worth it enough, personally.

Anyways, is anyone going to RITES OF DARKNESS?!
Anyways, is anyone going to RITES OF DARKNESS?!

A good deal of us talked about it. I know I plan on going with about 3-4 other people at the very least, though things aren't certain yet.

The fest was nothing short of amazing. I could easily go into ten pages of detail for each day, so I don't even want to say anything other than that every single person was awesome beyond words: both those I've seen in previous years and those I haven't. I'll say more if further discussion develops; and I'm sure it will.

Best bands: Inquisition/Dead Congregation, Repugnant, Nunslaughter (front row for this band was ridiculous. Surprise of the weekend), Hooded Menace (such great stage presence), Exhorder, Cianide, Funebrarum, Aura Noir, Tragedy, Defeated Sanity, and others I'm sure I missed.

Bands I missed because I'm retarded: Cathedral (outlandishly intoxicated/dehydrated up front for Tragedy, so I just went back to the hotel), Innumerable Forms (opted for Subway and missed them cover my favorite Master song. Fuck life), Wormed/Ghost (fell asleep outside during Coroner, so I went back the hotel for a nap instead).

The prospect of actually getting back to real life is just now hitting me and it really sucks.
Good God, what a weekend. Too many great stories, but as everyone else has already said, shit was crazy. I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone, especially Jon/Brooks55. I drank way to much after taking a few pain pills on a few nights which got me completely fucked up.


Best sets: Inquisition (Absolutely exhausted during them but I think Satan came to me and gave me energy), Dead Congregation, Ghost (They sounded absolutely perfect), Cianide, Wormed, and Funebrarum

Coroner was the only band that I was really disappointed with. Their sound was ok for their later stuff, but when they played new stuff it sounded really lame. Repugnant certainly was excellent, I was just too exhausted after Dead Congregation to really get into them, and I could barely hear anything.
I gotta go with best sets to Buzzoven, Cathedral, Neurosis, Nails, Acid Witch, Doom, Inquisition, Bastard Noise, and Orange Goblin (and a few others who were awesome but I'm not thinking of right now).
In terms of just chillin' with people it was cool as fuck meeting you guys, and totally convinced me to drop by here and try my hand at posting on these forums. I'm doing my best to figure out who's who and WTF is goin' on but hey-o, we'll see.

Highlights of shenanigans? Jon sleeping with his hand in his mouth, the Food Network drinking game, everything to do with Grant pissing all over the room, meeting K. Lloyd the most brilliant redneck of all time, and just too much to even remember. Seriously appreciative to you guys for letting me drop into your room last minute and making me feel welcome! Cheers for everything!

Edit: And RIP Beeramid, you were over before you began.
haha, that Food Network drinking game was SO awesome/devastating. Yeah, everyone who stayed in the hotel with us was awesome, the people I saw last year and the new people too. It seems like everyone had a great time and really enjoyed the whole experience.

Chris/Cythraul was pretty much my favorite dude staying with us, we had some good bromance moments. I enjoyed him telling me that I am "very wise" ahahaha. Also, pretending to be in a band in the elevator while those old people were on there was pretty funny.

One of the funniest things was that really drunk dude hanging from the scaffolding outside the hotel wielding the "power sword" which was an inflatable sword, which I ended up taking home.

My phone has the group photo at the end so Ill upload them asap. Ill post more memories as I remember them