Live in the Raw CD

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Anyone else got this? What do you think to it? Ive just got it & think its real cool to hear a classic era live Saxon show. Ok, the quality isnt superb (its just a straight desk tape,not multi-track recording) but i like how raw it is. Only gripe i have is that theyve mixed in a "stadium crowd"....totally obvious its not the crowd from Antwerp screaming etc!

allright mate yeah got the live in the raw cd and you is right very raw but it makes a change i like it has to be the rawist cd ive ever heard. top stuff

Hi there,
Oh yeh, I also got this one and the quality isn't very well but at least something came out again from the early days and I only hope that there will coming out a lot of more stuff like this.
Mayby they can legalize the bootleg Strong Arm Of The Law or so where we can here a song like Sixth Form Girls Live.

Cheers Pat


Its' a great cd and it's really amazing to how ferocious they played tracks like Dallas 1pm, Frozen rainbow or Stand Up and be counted, plus there's a stunning vesrion of and the bans played on..also it's very interesting to hear Biff's voice without any dub which is a lot angrier and more strained than on official releases like the eagle has landed


Another thing; i wonder why they didnt include "Motorcycle Man" & "Machine Gun" on the CD? Sure they played those songs on that tour.

*LOL some people are never satisfied* :-)