Live recording! Synthpop/rock.


Jul 13, 2005

Just recorded this band this weekend, so i haven't really mixed anything yet and this song still has some additional vocals to go, but i allready liked what i got right of the the bat :)

Drums, Bass, Synths and guitars were all cut live with some extra overdubs obviously.

Howd ya like it? think overheads are to high and high end is alittle to o much.

Can't wait to do some automation on this.. should be grand!

Vocals are allmost untouched btw.. Golden age Pre73 gained in haaaaarrd, into my la2a like daoc compressor and knock off about 20 db hehe.. worked like charm.. only added a bit off delay..
the hi hats sounds alittle too piercing to me. There could be more low end on the kick and/or bass. The vocals have a kinda boxy sound, like he's cupping the mic in a way. I would sweep 200-800hz and cut some boxiness out. Otherwise, i think it sounds great.
Yeah i can imagine, same prob i had last time with this band! a lo pass on the roommics will hopefully fix it :) i'll start mixing some tommorow, and see how it comes out!
I was just to siked to wait with posting after mixing haha
Very coool atmosphere in this song, something... hypnotizing... Great song! :danceboy:
Sounds nice dude, catchy as hell.. mix is almost done which is remarkable as you said you did not do that much to it yet.
I wonder how it will sound after you used some compression and automation.
Senx bra!
Did do a wee bit of compression here and there though, a bit of compression coming in.
with mixing i mean mostly getting better levels and automation.

I could probably throw up a project for all to check or something..