Live or line

I would definitely have a cabinet for stage volume/feel at the very least. You can't always trust you'll have a good monitor mix, but you'll always know how your rig sounds in various situations. Really take the time to find your best speaker/sweet spot, mark it off with tape, and insist (kindly) that the engineer mic the speaker there.

FWIW, not every engineer (me included) uses sm57s for guitars.. So you could end off worse than you started. I never go by taped "sweet spots" because I know more than likely it's not going to work for me.. A good engineer knows their mics and knows how to place them.. And the ones that don't.. Well you're probably fucked from the get go so your tape isn't gonna help much. Just my perspective from working with lots of bands/shitty tones etc
I think it would be nice not to haul around a cab. just a head/rack combo with a load box and the DI. save gas...and to get really tricky just run the preamp out into the di? save power tubes.
FWIW, not every engineer (me included) uses sm57s for guitars.. So you could end off worse than you started. I never go by taped "sweet spots" because I know more than likely it's not going to work for me.. A good engineer knows their mics and knows how to place them.. And the ones that don't.. Well you're probably fucked from the get go so your tape isn't gonna help much. Just my perspective from working with lots of bands/shitty tones etc

Make friends with whoever is running FOH and find out of they're a winner or not. If you want a solution for the issue posed, the discriminating,experienced, and cautious guitarist will carry around their own mic for their cabinets.
Make friends with whoever is running FOH and find out of they're a winner or not. If you want a solution for the issue posed, the discriminating,experienced, and cautious guitarist will carry around their own mic for their cabinets.

Yep that would sort it for sure if they carried a mic
What that supposed to be sarcastic, or serious?

no sarcasm.. if it's taped and they have their own mic that takes a lot of room for error out of the equation

if it's with a tour, taped off and they have their own mic package I usually trust they know what kind of sound they want for the guitars
Damn! I'm geting behringer one, because liked it on blind shoot and seems some there liked it too. I'm shocked that those stuff can handle poweramp!
On my homeland club FOHs suck. Only those FOHs working with big bands crafted their skills and you are lucky if you play after them (mostly bands play on club cabs), because when club FOH touch desk sound dies!
Ofcourse this all depends on if the engineer can use an IR loader or not. If he can or if you have an Axe-Fx or something then it's all good. Even those crappy POD HD cabinets sounded proper live but demanded a lot of tweaking though.
anyone know if those behringer boxes are acceptable to use as a loadbox only? i have a krank rev jr. in the mail right now, and want to try running it into the power amp of my 6505+, but will obviously need to have a load on the krank to do so. i know DIY loadboxes can be made on the cheap, but i wouldn't mind eating $30 for the behringer if it can accept the speaker output of the krank while i run the preamp or FX out into the peavey.
no the behringer needs a load connected to it. palmer makes the PDI-03 which has a load box built in. I just bought a Behringer for like $17 but I have a hotplate. gonna see how well it sounds next show without a cab. of course ill bring my cab as a backup, but it would be nice not to have to haul one around, those mesa oversize are a bitch to get in a car
figured it would be too good to be true for $30! guess i'll be doing some DIY style shit then, because as much as i wanna try slaving that krank to a bigger power amp, it isn't worth the cost of a premade loadbox just to do that.
U could leave the cab connected and use the fx send. Nothing will come out of the cab but there's ur load box