Reamp with real amp cab or stick with software amps?


New Metal Member
Dec 14, 2010
Hi, my band is recording its first album. I have recorded DI tracks for both guitars and bass. While i am able to get decent tones from software amp sims like LePou and Amplitube, i still can feel something missing in the tone.

I have access to a Peavey 5150II with Peavey 4x12 cab and a Laney Ironheart 120 with the accompanying Laney 4x12 cab and also an Ibanez TS808. I have never recorded through an amp before so i was wondering if it would be worth it to buy a reamp box and use it to reamp the DI tones through one of these amps.

I am a full time live sound engineer by the way so i have a fairly good understanding of eq and other basic things. I prefer to get it right at the source instead of eqing it to death later. Just wanted to know from guys who have done both amp sims and real amps if it would make a difference micing a real amp.
It will make difference. Even line signal from amp + impulses can be better tahn software, even TS modelling alone is not quite good, most TS sims does not have even harmonics at all, my favourite is Ignite Amps TS-999 because it has even harmonics, at least with ASYM engaged, so it`s closer to my hardware TS. TSE missed even harmonics after initial first version.
Quality of reamping also depends on interface, it must have sufficient output level, also good converters.
Unless you're crazy busy and have no time, if you have the possibility try to reamp the real amp and compare the both. Worst case scenario you're gonna walk out of it with more experience than before!
Definitely give reamping a shot. With that being said, it's much harder to get a great tone micing an amp with all of the different factors between positioning, speakers, settings, power section saturation etc. The list goes on and on. However, you can achieve a infinitely better tone once you have those things down. If you haven't mic'd a cab up before in a studio environment, now would be a time to start.