Live Tracks

Jan 4, 2004
Found these on youtube (although Im sure you guys have already heard them)



enjoy -jonah w-
Bad ass Jonah! I REALLY hope I get the chance to see you guys live sometime! You all sound great!
Completely amazing, and lmao at the songs in chrissie's sig.

EDIT: At the time of typing that they were all Pyramaze.
the first song is great dont see any probs with how u did the vocals except for one small part but nothing significant
second song a few spots were a bit off but it still went good overall
dont feel bad everyone has bad days :rofl: some headlining bands cant even pull that off on a good day so feel proud

i remember seeing job for a cowboy... for some reason they headlined over behemoth... thats besides the point tho... JfaC singer completely screwed up 5 times before i left after the 3rd song...

the best live performances ive seen were from my buddies band Jungle Rot and Vile both were spot on no mistakes
but hell even they have bad days :p