Living Dead Beat Keyboard?


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
I need to know exactly how Janne plays the keyboard part. Not the solo, that's too hard for me. The intro stuffs which is repeated after the 1st Chorus. I've been trying to look carefully but it's very hard to see on the Stockholm DVD..

(I can play AYDY? and Punch Me I Bleed (without the solo))..
Look in the god damn tab thread dude.

In fact, I'll just do it myself because you're always going on about how you can't get tabs to work (you probably don't have Guitar Pro 4 installed...)

Children of Bodom - Living Dead Beat





There. Sheet music added with tempo, key signature and all written in an easily readable octave.
you really shouldn't need to see how he plays it or need a tab. to figure it out by ear would be so easy its ridiculous. i've barely ever played keyboard in my life and even i could figure that out within 2 minutes.
Yea it's true I never got one tab showing. (wtf)

Thanks for that dude!

And there seems to be quite a few ways to play it but I wanted to know the right one.
Could you also post the rest of the keyboards of the song, and I'd really like to have Trashed, Lost & Strungout? Because I can't fucking get the tabs showing...
Instead of going through all of that, download and install Guitar Pro 4. It's the only way you'll be able to view all those tabs in the tab thread etc. They even play back in MIDI format and you can edit stuff, it's an amazing program. If you play an instrument, you're seriously missing out!!

(You can get it from Limewire, Soulseek, DC++, Torrents etc etc, so easy to find)
Yea, maybe I'll get someone on msn to send me that, but could you send T,L&S, I can't access my own computer these times, I'm online at work, and I can't do shit with this computer.
Okay here we go. LIVING DEAD BEAT

This is the keyboard score exported from the GP4 tab that's hosted in the tab thread. For the parts I posted above, I personally lowered the whole thing an octave so it's easier to read but for this, I'm not going to because it's the whole song and it'll take a while but it's still the same notes nonetheless.

There's 2 keyboard parts for different sections of the song so there'll be 2 seperate sheets. Watch out of the key changes so you don't play the wrong notes.

Living Dead Beat (Keyboard 1)
Living Dead Beat (Keyboard 2)

Trashed, Lost & Strungout.

It should all be there and again, watch the key changes.


I'm not sure on how accurate this tab is but it sounds pretty good in MIDI.

Omg I think I can play that T,L&S, tried yesterday and looks like a decent concept.. I mean even the solo is not too complicated.. but yeah I'll prolly be online on my computer later tonight..

Living Dead Beat is more tough.. But in reality you don't use left hand chords in the first part of the intro..