Local band - Lamb of God on drugs! Check this out


Space Cowboy
Mar 7, 2010
Borlänge, Sweden
hmm, doesnt remind me of LOG, more like the human abstract to me, but thats not actually relevant at all! :P the guitars need more presence, they sound very cloudy! also, if it was up to me, i would mix the bass much differently, maybe give it a more growly tone, so its distinguishable from the guitars. i personally dont like mixs where the bass guitar is pointless (more or less). listen to take this life - in flames to hear what im on about :P
hmm, doesnt remind me of LOG, more like the human abstract to me, but thats not actually relevant at all! :P the guitars need more presence, they sound very cloudy! also, if it was up to me, i would mix the bass much differently, maybe give it a more growly tone, so its distinguishable from the guitars. i personally dont like mixs where the bass guitar is pointless (more or less). listen to take this life - in flames to hear what im on about :P

haven't listened to them much, but I know these guys are influenced alot by LoG. agreed, they do sound cloudy, but any more presence at this stage just hurts my ears, I'm going to try Erik's proposal of cutting some mud instead. and I love growling cutting bass aswell, but these guys don't have a bass player as for now, so every bass line just follows the guitars. so I tried to mix it more auxiliary-ish so it wouldn't fuck with my mix as much, but I should probably try your suggested approach aswell, couldn't hurt to experiment a little. thanks for your input :)
haven't listened to them much, but I know these guys are influenced alot by LoG. agreed, they do sound cloudy, but any more presence at this stage just hurts my ears, I'm going to try Erik's proposal of cutting some mud instead. and I love growling cutting bass aswell, but these guys don't have a bass player as for now, so every bass line just follows the guitars. so I tried to mix it more auxiliary-ish so it wouldn't fuck with my mix as much, but I should probably try your suggested approach aswell, couldn't hurt to experiment a little. thanks for your input :)

So does Lamb of God's bassist, all he does is follow the guitars, and if the guitars ever actually go up an octave, he stays low. That's his style, I think it's just what the doctor prescribed for that style, and he's a tight ass motherfucker at his job. Oh and in some specific parts he may follow the bass drum beats, if the drums are more "stop-and-go"
only problem is the guy keeps telling me to raise stuff in volume that are already balanced to my ears, and he's listening on crappy computer speakers I know for a fact. any creative ways I can tell him that the stuff's ok the way it is?
like, today he asked me if I had completely removed the ride cymbal in the mix, lol.
I just went through something similar and had the band listen on a few different systems, including my monitors, before they gave me notes. I thought everything sounded pretty balanced, so I'm surprised they are asking for any adjustments. Nice mix!