Local Metal Magazine ..new to this forum


Local Metal Magazine
Here's the deal, in as short as i can blabber it .

Been a metal musician my whole life, love everything from Black Sabbath, Dio, Judas Priest , Iron Maiden to Slayer.

All through pre-teen , teen and adult life.. i was in a metal band. I have touched and turned every processor, from guitar to vocals, to compressors and gates. Played probably ever club, basement, garage, even some big old barn that actually didnt look so bad when it was dark and around Halloween time.

But that aint my point, because many of us been there, done it , seen that . My point is , all that time i was in search of the best way to break through, to promote my band and perhaps see some mad oceanic wave of crazy passionate metal heads come flowing in like a massive tide to our show, where it goes over like a dream scenario from a movie..you rock the place out, everybody gets a copy of your CD ..and then youre able to make a living doing only that ..what you love the most ..AHH LAAAAA (heavenly epiphany music plays .. pause.. gets slapped in face by the reality of the way the music scenario is )

Ok, so thats the point , we all know it sucks balls and anal cookies to try to get to 'THAT POINT' with your music and band.
So i figured hell it cant be frigign rocket science ..there's gotta be a way , a math or process right?

As a band you HAVE to flyer, promote ,hit every message board and blog ..thats only to try to stay alive to meekly say = "Arghg!! we're alive ..we're out here damnit!" sorta like a shout from the middle of a midnight ocean .. so that people look out and say = "hey! , if you look just right, see that little tiny dot , yeah!! thats it, that's a band dude's head. .and it just yelled somethin at us! awesome !"

Thats how it feels though right? we all been there seen it done that too. That's what brings me to the conclusion of my rant and spew. Remember those full color metal magazines when you were younger? You probably had them all over your walls like any hard core metal fan . they were basically your wallpaper in your bedroom.
Yeah, and remember when bands like Iron Maiden and Slayer were taboo and as if illegal and restricted to be put on Mtv or any radio ? .. BUT we still knew who they were , we still had their pictures. I was thinkin about that for a long ass time.
Then i thought , "damn, imagine if tha twas set up like that for local metal bands and if people and new generations of young metal fans could do that with the local metal bands. Do you think your band could get that boost over the top from that kinda flagship to say = "they're all out here, but they aint drowming and swmimming alone.. they're all on this big bad ass ship (then we shoot the gun for the hell of it because it sounds big and thunder like)

Anyway , thats what we're gonna do . it's called Local Metal Magazine. www.localmetalmagazine.com

Help us spread the word, and you reap the benefit of an focused media to promote your bands without the MASSIVE advertising cost and the as if being laughed off like you aint big enough.

Ever call somethin like one of the major websites or say a tv or cable station to ask about advertising your band? and they = " ...uhh (anal tone) we're really not 'about' that.. "

so what they're saying is im a piece of dirt sucking trash and music isnt a viable career? F**k Them.
Music is in USA's Top 10 exports making over hundreds of billions a year.

So thats who i am , we are. and thats my purpose and point here. if you'd like to tell people and help make this thing a success ,feel free.
Its free subscriptions to music fans and bands.
www.myspace.com/localmetalmagazine (the hotties been swarming this one) I just backed away and thought = "wow.. dont touch anything! its working! "

thanks for reading my encyclopedia , sorry i write a lot.
Local Metal Magazine
Hi Frank! Welcome to the forum.

I enjoyed reading your post and checked out the site... good luck!