Local metalcore band I'm mixing

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Let me know what you think of this so far! I've been working on this for a while now. I did the tracking, editing, mixing and mastering. I'm having trouble with making the vox sit in the track as opposed to on top or under. Thanks for any suggestions! Vocals are untuned and I think I'm going to keep them that way (other than the few parts where the doubles are out of tune)

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2113488/TOAL Vocals.mp3

vocas sound really dry to me, maybe a bit more reverb? balance between guitars/bass and drums sounds good but I think the drums need some heavy velocity editing for some added realism.
you definately need more reverse snare.

0:59 editing mistake, listen carefully.

i agree on the dry vocals.

mix doesnt sound bad at all, in my opinion, but it definately does not sound finished.

music to me sounds like a race for the most redundant riffs ever in one song, but thats of course not your fault.