Logic 8 users?

Mar 23, 2008
Brighton, UK
Just wondering what your thoughts are on using this to track/edit?

There's an amazing studio an hour or so drive from where I live that I may be engineering at soon, that uses Logic 8 primarily. They have PT LE 7.4 installed too, but I really don't want to track on it due to the max track count and lack of ADC. I've used mostly Pro Tools (and a bit of Cubase) for most of the time I've been in this game, so is it going to be difficult to go from PT to Logic? How is Logic for editing e.g. drum quantization?

I've done a whole bunch of research on this but just wondering what you guys' thoughts on Logic 8 were? I'm not expecting a clear cut 'this one is better' answer, just some thoughts from people who have used it in a real world situation would be cool.

Thanks in advance!
well i use logic 7 and just haven't had the time for the upgrade to learn it and all but from everything i hear it actually HAS editing features that are useable.

L7 has got to be the worst program for editing and is so counter-intuitive. but i'm used to it so i manage to make it work. from everything i have heard though it has improved quite a lot to try to keep up with the rest of the DAWs in terms of editing.
id use the le...
the track count is never an issue for me. with m.p.t.
still getting my head round logic 8 for synth stuff
Logic 8.0.2 here. I'm no recording god, that said I find Logic 8 easy to use. Surly a lot better than all previous versions imo. Been a logic user since LP4.
I've been using Logic 8 over the last few months and have been very happy with it. It's relatively easy to remember all the short cut commands and very intuitive. Editing so far is a breeze!
Okay so this is all sounding fairly positive. I was having doubts on whether it was worth it after reading some of the other things on the internet about Logic. Does anyone have any recommended reading/videos on Logic 8 that they could share with me at all?
Pick up this book - Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 8 and Logic Express 8 (Apple Pro Training) by David Nahmani
It's got lots of excercises and disc with sample projects to be used with the book. I've found it to be REALLY helpful!!!

There's another book available in the series called - Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 8: Beyond the Basics (Apple Pro Training) by David Dvorin... I haven't check it out yet though.

Good luck!