Logic 9 experts have a look


Sep 21, 2005
New York
a friend of mine is using Logic 9 Dual tracking guitars and by the photograph we can't seem to figure out why the levels are different, it's apparent when using headphones. He's using Maudio Profire 610 on Macbook Pro and all the levels are the same on both channels...I'm scratching my head on this one....anybody? *Even when I pan the channels one sounds like it has more bass and thats just panning one channel rather than both

yes the metering...one side is always louder than the other. Also if i center one track and pan it Left to right one side always has more bass than the other side....thats using the output from the Macbook with headphones. :loco:
yeah but one side is always louder than the other by about 4db...it was also noticeable on the metering thats why I posted the pic, just not sure why it's that way.
Although "ears not eyes" I understand him for his questionning because unless something strange is happening, when you double track you should simply get twice the same thing basically. A change by more than 1db if you record straight away the second track already means a knob or something has been turned down ! Are you sure he is positive he recorded them right away with the same gear and simply did 2 takes, one panned left and right ? My guess is he did something during the recording, or you did something in your project file, or the unlikely event of a failure of some sort in between both takes !
actually the panning law did the trick...i unticked the box and set it to 0db now the center track is louder and both tracks panned sound even.....thanks for everyone's feedback, i love this forum :)