Logic : I give up


May 9, 2006
So, I bought Logic some months ago with the hope it might become a better DAW for me than Cubendo. For all this time, it has been more like a tool than a DAW - I use it to quantize drums when i get no time to do it by hand. However, it's really stupid to have a daw like and use it just like a tool. I've been trying for some sessions to use and for god knows what reason, i always stumble on something. Today, i really wanted to use a crappy band I was recording to test Logic....however its workflow simply bugs me too much. After struggling for some time, I just switch to C5, and BAM, instant recording. I dont like Reaper, but even using it was quicker and more intuitive than Logic :ill:

Well, I will keep it as a tool :erk:
call me crazy, but I dig logic.

maybe if i spent as many hours tinkering in PT or Cubase as I have in logic I'd like them more.

Ah well...to each they own, as the bible say.
Just had the same feeling with PT LE8 yesterday when I was mixing a big band with all the tracks in use (no music production toolkit), and even more after I ran out of buses :lol:

I got into Logic's workflow very quickly and it's been my main DAW since, but I still do prefer editing in PT; it's just so intuitive.
From reading the original post it doesn't look like you put much effort into actually learning the DAW rather than just dipping in and out at will.

The only way to seriously learn Logic is to open the manual at page 1 and go straight through it.
by doing that I was a Logic ninja within a week of getting it, and had the workflow totally sussed.

Waht specific aspects of using Logic were tripping you up? anything in particular we can help with?

actually, send me a PM with your MSN name and I'll talk you through some stuff.
Actually, i've read most of the manual, except the MIDI parts. It is actually a cool DAW, but it feels totally backwards. It has too many options for everything (just right click the play and there are like 4 options or so) and for some reason the interface seems really odd to me (much like Reaper seems Odd to me). I just feel it is too much against all the things i like in Cubendo and making the change was not as worthy as I think workflow-wise. It just didnt work for me :/

I guess i'll just stick with Cubendo bugs (mainly the overlaps bug) until Steinberg fix 'em (never), or Presonus improves Studio One.
For me logic is the perfect DAW. Everything makes sense, everything is logic(IMO)....and to all you guys whining about this and that....

I came from a cubase backround to logic 8. (like 4 years cubase user)
I knew I had to learn somethings, because it is a different DAW (!!!)

After one week I was ready to track bands without any problems...

so stop whining dicks, just use your favorite daw, or stop whining about your new DAW is different then your old...
actually i am not whinning about Logic. It is kinda cool for some things (for me at least) but the workflow/interface didnt really work for me. I mean, I used PT a lot less than logic and I can do my things a lot quicker. I failed at it but Logic might be great for someone, specially composers, with its shit load of composition tools.

The thing i might miss the most is the grouping (kinda like PT, isnt it?). Very useful and clever.
actually i am not whinning about Logic. It is kinda cool for some things (for me at least) but the workflow/interface didnt really work for me. I mean, I used PT a lot less than logic and I can do my things a lot quicker. I failed at it but Logic might be great for someone, specially composers, with its shit load of composition tools.

The thing i might miss the most is the grouping (kinda like PT, isnt it?). Very useful and clever.

do you mean groups, busses or aux?
Busses and aux can be made in cubase as in logic.
The real groups are great, to keep everything in one group in phase....and stuff.

The argument about logic beeing a composer tool, is so lame!!!
It is a nice feature of logic, but logic has all the things you need to use it as a fully functional and professional studio DAW.
The things you need arent hide or anything like that.

In cubase you press 1-9 for you tools.
In logic you press esc+1-9 for you tools, because 1-9 are different window-zises (you can create simply)

just an example....

if you found your daw, I´m happy for you
personally i love how the workflow in logic works

i cant get my head around pro tools :p
I owned Cubase 4 and 5, Reaper, Samplitude and Logic. Logic seems to work best for me. It's just a question of personal taste.
There are already about 100 threads with this topic, can we skip this? :p
There are already about 100 threads with this topic, can we skip this? :p

I agree, if people won't bother taking the time to learn a new DAW, why even try? And then make a thread "WORKFLOW SUCKS IN THIS DAW"... It's beyond me.
What we all need to realize is that EACH AND EVERY DAW SUCKS HUGE DONKEY DICK. Seriously. They all suck in one way or another. We just need to find which sucks least for our workflow and mental approach to recording/editing/mixing and find our workarounds and stick to them.
What we all need to realize is that EACH AND EVERY DAW SUCKS HUGE DONKEY DICK. Seriously. They all suck in one way or another. We just need to find which sucks least for our workflow and mental approach to recording/editing/mixing and find our workarounds and stick to them.
This made me laugh for a second but really it's the truth.

(The thread may be closed now :) )